To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides

May 12, 2006 13:16

Today's spam. Something magical is going on, na?


I think I promised some good things, so here they are:

- Haagen Daz's new Mayan Chocolate ice cream. Chocolate and cinnamon together in rich goodness! So satisfying that I didn't even feel the need to eat the whole damn thing. My first instinct was to run upstairs and feed some to The Redhead because goodness like that HAS to be shared.

- I wanted marigolds in my front flower bed and now I have them. They are very pretty and doing very well so far! I think I might even turn up the earth and weed the flowerbed at some point. I feel the need to do things with my hands.

- on that note, I've been thinking a lot about what I want to do with my life...and I think I want to work with my hands. I'm not sure what form that would take. But when I think about the things I love doing - aside from the counselling stuff, which is obviously not work with my hands - it's things like building stuff, giving massages, using tools, knitting, baking, sculpture...a clear possibility that stands out is doing touch therapy - massaging while doing talk therapy. But I also feel like I'd like to learn more about fixing things. It feels like a good concrete skill to have. I don't know where I'll go with this...but it bears considering.

Some of the best times I've had have been building things in the carp shop (in Theatre at York), in my sculpture class (especially working with clay and/or plaster), and, oddly enough, in my shop class in elementary school. Sewing machines are too little and fussy for me. Give me a drill press and a pneumatic staple gun any day.

Even though I dearly want to learn to make skirts of out t-shirts.

- watching Dead Like Me with The J.

- singing along to the Buffy Musical Episode.

- singing along to the Smoking Popes as I biked to work this morning; singing loudly and not caring if people heard me. Thinking that I sounded good!

- the aforementioned unicycle. I want it. The Rox wants to go in on it with me. I kind of want it to be mine, but I'd totally let her ride it.

- going dancing with The Zombie tonight.


I called my mom today to wish her a happy birthday, but she's gone to Sudbury to work on the census there. Weird! My mom is well-loved at Statistics Canada and they give her all kinds of work doing surveys and such.

My mom's birthday is the 12th of May, and my dad's birthday is the 10th of June. Close to Mother's Day and Father's Day, respectively. Weird, but it's always helped me remeber their birthdays.

buffy, singing, knitting, j, making stuff, birthday, work, spam, mom

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