I saw 21 cyclists on my way to work this morning.

May 09, 2006 10:33

So I will tell you 21 things.

1. I made tea this morning from a bag of loose leaf tea. I didn't know what kind of tea it was. I don't think it was caffeinated. It tasted okay but it didn't give me what I want from my morning tea. Then I had a cup of coffee, but that didn't make me feel good and I only drank half of it. So I am very undercaffeinated right now.

2. Email exchange: Potential Volunteer: "I want to volunteer to do bike recycling."
Me: "We don't do bike recycling here. Here is a place that does."
PV: "Can I volunteer at your organization?"
Me: "Yes. Here are the volunteer needs we have." [bike mechanics conspicuously absent because we don't have volunteer positions to do that, especially for folks with no mechanics training.]
PV: "But I want to do bike mechanics!"
Me: "We don't have positions like that. But [same place as above] does."

Just listen to what I tell you the first time! I am good with the referrals!

3. I think I am going to get my hair cut by a little kid sometime this month. There's some kind of thing going on where you can get your hair cut for free by a young'un. I like the sound of that...and if they do something bad to my hair, I can always shave it!

4. This whole "window widening every time it autosaves a draft" thing is really annoying. My window is bigger than my screen, which means I can't see the whole line of text. I don't like that.

5. My coworker, The Dragon, is awesome.

6. I got a fabulous postcard with bicycles on it from battygurl the other day! It made me very hyappy! Thank you darling!

7. I am going to post this and then edit it because the giant window is driving me crazy.

8. I really love tea. I'm drinking Golden Chai. Yum.

9. Last night I cooked jasmine sweet potato rice, and served it wrapped in seaweed with a blend of portabello mushrooms and seasoned black beans. It was delicious! I love shopping at the PAT market.

10. Also, snoopymccrew came over for dinner and brought lovely strawberries and watermelon. Hurrah!

11. The Lemon and I are having an MSN conversation consisting of only images.

12. I feel neither horribly sad nor totally numb. I don't think I'm as crazy happy as I felt early last week, but that's probably good. I feel kind of balanced. Able to deal. That's how I'm supposed to feel, right?

13. The baby that snoopymccrew lives with has a DINOSAUR HEAD! Perhaps it's not so good for him, but I find it really adorable. Also, he feel asleep on my shoulder the other day. Awwww.

14. I am wearing:
- black and pink skully slip-on vans
- bright yellow soccer socks
- the frozen jeans
- orange boy-style briefs (play dead)
- purple tank top
- "Dia de Los Muertos es todos los dias" t-shirt in blue from Play Dead

15. 21 items seems to be a lot!

16. I just ate a yummy cheese croissant.

17. One of the cyclists I saw was riding an adult trike. Man, those things are cool. Especially when ridden by little old men with baskets full of groceries.

18. I am trying to have lots more monster-time these days, and that's really really nice. It makes me feel sorta selfish, but...it's good, right? Being scheduled every night is not a good or a smart thing.

19. I like just hanging around in my house and watching tv and knitting and stuff. And talking to my housemates. And just looking after my needs.

20. I am listening to Mike Doughty and that makes me happy, even though this album is kinda sad.

21. I wonder how long I have to stay at work today...

bicycle, random things

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