I had this dream.

May 02, 2006 08:24

It was two parts real life-ish, one part monster movie, and a tiny part random celebrity lust. A celebrity that I don't even know anything about, to boot. I would say it was also a bustie dream, except that the only bustie in it was somebody that I already hang out with in person.

I met up with lumo and we were shopping on our lunch break. We were in some fancy store on Queen West and I was looking at skirts and she poo-pooed them, saying they were ugly. She was being rather more critical than usual, although in my dream that didn't seem super weird. There was some other woman there who was apparently with us who tried on a turquoise bra and loved it and went to show her boyfriend, or get money, or something - she left wearing only the bra and her jeans. lumo and I went outside to wait for her and bumped into this dude who someone knew. I think he was supposed to be Hawksley Workman or something...he might have been someone else at this point in the dream...at any rate, he was a relatively famous local (is HW even local?) musician and we sat and chatted with him for a while.

He looked fairly generic at this point, but he gradually morphed into looking more and more like The Smit...at first he had a fairly short haircut but eventually was shaven-headed...and at some points he was in a wheelchair, although he also was able to get up and stand/walk at some points.

So while we were talking, Musician and I are edging closer together and sitting so that we're touching. This happens without me really being aware of it. Suddenly we notice that the street has a strange little roof over part of it and a golden statue of a bulldog is hanging from it. Interesting, I think, but I don't think too much about it. Until suddenly there's a flash and the dog has lights all over it and is making quite the light show. It's also "talking" and moving - warning us that some kind of destructive force is coming and there will be a battle.

What a crazy and cool light show, I think. I wish I'd known about it...I would have brought The Smit. He would love this. I make a mental note to check the listings to see if there will be a repeat performance.

So the destructive force appears and it's basically Truckasaurus, only it doesn't breathe fire. I think I've bet Musician that it'll be some kind of giant robot. As soon as it appears I'm all "I wanna drive it." which he kinda doesn't get (at this point I *know* he's not The Smit, The Smit would've gotten it) but indulges me. He's all, "Why? Why would you want to drive it? What would you do?"

"Stomp!" I reply, and I'm a little saddened by his lack of vision. "Stomp things!"

Truckasaurus has feet that look sorta like Muppet feet but made of out thin slices of pickup truck. They move in that funny Muppety way, but stomp nonetheless. It seems clear that Truckasaurus is heading in our direction and we have to get out of the way. People are kinda panicked.

The street is kind of like a mall...it's hard at this point to tell if we're inside or outside. We run down the street - I ride, actually, in Musician's lap on his chair - and then I have a brilliant idea. I pull a long, thick, gauzy scarf down from the wall beside us and hand one end to snafooey (who's just there suddenly) and we stretch it between us so that Truckasaurus will trip.

"You're not just hot..." says Musician to me in an impressed tone of voice. For some reason I'm all, he thought I was hot? in my head, but outwardly I just take it as my due. I'm a bit surprised that he is actually into me, but I like it, because I was kinda snuggling with him before and he was nice and warm.

It takes a long time for Truckasaurus to get to where we are. In the meantime, Musician flirts with me, finds a comfy perch to lean on - "Could just anyone lean on this shelf? I don't think so. You would have to be just the right size." - and takes off his pants, for some reason. As this point he's pretty much The Smit.

A huge crowd of people goes by and we hold the scarf up so that they can get under it. Truckasaurus is coming. snafooey and I nod at each other. She's tied her end of the scarf to something sturdy. I'm holding on to mine for dear life.

Truckasaurus steps blindly into our trap, trips really easily, and falls onto a big stretch of empty floor. We have won! My brilliant plan worked!

Then the picture abruptly fades and I am in my bed, awake, with Bratmobile in my ears. Time to wake up. Damn, I wanted to know what was going to happen next.

lumo, dreams, monsters, robot, clothing, snaf, smit

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