Title: Death and the Demon
megkipsCharacter(s) or Pairing(s): Gilbert, Death (The Sandman)
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: None
Summary: Gilbert meets up with Death and catches up.
Notes: This is a crossover with Neil Gaiman's The Sandman in which Death is a perky goth and a total sweetheart.
Death looked up at the demon in the tree and laughed )
Also gah I feel like I haven't talked to you in ages wtf
We talked yesterday XDD ...well.... ish.... until I failed and passed out like, immediately ><;
Pffft I think it's because you're not on consistently? Also are you working tomorrow
Maybe.... Sorry about that again orz; I used to be on asll the time then, work happened. And ja, 9-6 GMT ;A; I wish I wasn't, why?
Pfft, work and such is more important, admittedly. And IDK tomorrow if you pop on we can derp? I've got class I gotta leave for at 4 my time though...
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