Title: Victory, Korea
theromeri Character(s) or Pairing(s): Yong Soo
Rating: PG
Warnings: Korean derpishness. Also, canonically AU.
Summary: What better way to break in a hopeful character than by showing what he does best? Just a little drabble.
Cuts Orignated in Korea, You Know! )
Comments 3
I really like this fic contribution, but I already have a role planned out for Korea in this AU... he's just yet to be introduced (halfway through writing a fic that includes him actually...) I'll say it straight: Yong Soo is head of the Asia Branch of Hunters. I really must get straight on to doing his wiki page after this, just to set things straight.
That said, this was pretty funny stuff to read. We still could incorporate it as his playing an online game... he does that a lot regardless.
I'm really, really sorry for this. ><;; This is 100% my fault, not yours. I need to provide more info faster... ping me on my AIM hellzabeth7 if there's more you want to know about Yong Soo.
That said, the knowledge that Yong Soo is going to be making an appearance fills me with enough glee as is! 8DDDD I love the character, and I have to admit, I like the idea of him being a Head Hunter (aha, punny) just as much. I have complete faith that he will be amazing in either form.
Indeed! Hooray for the land with the most internet access, and the official Starcraft channel! \O/
You can expect to be hearing from me. 8D Thank you.
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