MAD Magizine

Oct 28, 2004 13:34

I think mose of you have heard of MAD magizine, but dont know how many have read it, but issue number 447 November 2004, is a must read if you are anti-bush.The cover article is "The Strange Similarities Between George W. Bush And Dr.Seuss" basically its parts of his speeches broken down and compared to some Seuss books. and man is it great. i recomend it to everyone. you can also go to to order it.

here is my favorite part of the article....

"I really do believe that we will be greeted as liberators. I've talked with a lot of Iragis in the last several months myself, had them to the White House...The read we get on the people of Iraq is there is no question but what they want to get rid of Saddam Hussein, and they will welcome as liberators the United States when we come to do that" Vice President Dick Cheney, March 16,2003

"There is no question but that they would be welcomed back to Afghanistan, the people were in the streets playing music, cheering, flying kites, and doing all these things that the Taliban and the al-Qaeda would not let them do." Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, February 20,2003

"Most Iraqis welcomed us as liberators and we glowed with pleasure at the welcome...the trend is in our favor." U.S. Administrator in Baghdad L.Paul Bremer, Sept 24, 2003

And the comparison to Dr.Seuss.......

"At sunrise, we'll drive in to Solla Sollew
And you'll have no more troubles.I promise.I do.
But, when dawn finally came and the darkness got light,
That wonderful city was nowhere in sight.
Instead of the city, we ran into trouble.
Our camel was sick and he started to bubble."
I had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew

There are a lot more comparisons, but i dont have time to finish.hope you likeds that and get the magizine to read more.....

OH, YEAH! the hospital is right by UO, and we went walking past a set of dorm rooms, and on one of the windows there was a sign that said "Some people say were Bush Bashing, but us from Oregon say were THINKERS."

Every new block we walked on, i would say 10 out of 10 had a KErry Sign or an anti-bush sign. greatness.


also, my uncle did really good today in Threaphy. yesterday he couldnt match the picture dog with the word dog, but today he counted to 20, and matched the number 1-5 with the spellings of the words was awsome. he has been saying words clearer also.

tomorrow Jason and i are going to Coos Bay for his first driving lesson!!!!! haah ahahahahah
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