Jul 10, 2006 22:52
sunday was fucking nuts, italy won. i watched the game with chloe and evania, then went out later with cris and her friend janice. i drank in the middle of the street beside cops (on james) i drank so much i threw up when i got home in the front bushes, then passed out in my shower. it was a huge celebration. i loved every minute of it.
it was just an amazing day/night. you didnt have to be italian to partake, there were people there of (literally) every race. it was amazing. i feel bad for anyone who for whatever reason didnt go out and celebrate.. shit like this doesnt go down even every ten years (although it will again in four.. so dont feel too sad)
aside from that, last week mary and i went to toronto and met up with brianna and anita.
last week also featured a trip to motown, the devil wears prada and cristinas fantastic backyard birthday party!
today i developed pictures from toronto, and italia fest. i will scan and update them later tonight or tomorrow..
italia 2006