On unemployment

Jun 11, 2007 22:18

You think that an eighteen year girl with a strong work ethic, a newly-acquired high school diploma, and a decent GPA who just happens to live in a city in dire need of employees would be able to find a job with little to no trouble, right?

Think again.

For the past two weeks, at pretty much every job I've applied for, I've been turned down, because come August, I'll be 1500 miles away in Manhattan. Every. Single. Bloody. Job.

The words "irritated," "irked," "frustrated," and "pissed-off" don't even begin to describe how I'm feeling right now. Granted, I've been focusing on the food industry and am trying to avoid file work (because I've already done that) and retail (yuck!), but damn it, this is frustrating. I mean, at every place, the manager tells me upfront that he likes me and that he'd love to hire me because I'm smart, I work hard, etc. etc., but I'm going away. And I can't exactly lie and say that I'm going to Tulane or LSU. Bloody hell.

So much for buying a Canon 30D at the end of the summer. Or buying anything, for that matter. I feel pretty pathetic right now. Bloody hell.

Employment powers-that-be, will you PLEASE help me get a job this week? PLEASE? Not the Olive Garden one, though, because it's looking rather sketchy bad right now, which is a shame, considering I loved going there before the hurricane, but could you work your powers at the other spots? I'm desperate!


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