last minute notices

Jul 01, 2006 17:29

Dear Collegeboard,

FUCK YOU! I missed 1 stupid question on the math section, and I get a 780. 1 QUESTION!!! That's an 800 in a lot of tests; what is wrong with you? And um, 3 wrong in writing is closer to a 750, not 730. So that's at least 40 points you cheated me from. So yes, I still hate you with a burning passion. And I'm still going to wage war against you. But thanks for the AP clean sweep.

Dear LSMSA administration,

I wouldn't have gotten those scores in English and Biology if I had stayed. Sorry, but spending a month on how DNA --> RNA --> proteins and wasting classtime on the merits of a backwards country accent doesn't cut it. At all. I'd look into the teaching methods of those two teachers, the two main reasons why I left, if you want to insist to everyone how well-rounded the education is. Tell my history teacher to keep up the good work though. He was great.

Dear School Principal,

Hurry up and give me my senior schedule, dammit! I still don't know if I'm taking economics and thus whether I have 4 chapters to read/cram in one week, after I get back from India (since I don't have the book, as I didn't buy it, as I didn't know that was homework, as I didn't know if I was in the class, as you haven't even made the master schedule!). Get your act together. Or better yet, go back to the old system of things.

Dear Neighbor,

Stop stealing my wireless. Or else I'll hack into your computer and "borrow" all your limewire stuff (I can see it all with iTunes, genius)

Dear Mother Nature,

No hurricanes while I'm away. And don't you dare send another bad storm to New Orleans. Ever. Again. (Houston is still up for the taking though...)

Dear Old Navy,

I love your flip flop sales. I think I'm in flip flop heaven. Whee!

Dear Newspaper Gods,

Please help me resurrect the Halo next year. I'm asking you early, since as soon as I get back, I have to try to work on that blasted thing. I hate it. I really do. After all the hell I've been through because of it (and NHS, and teachers, and its lackadaisical staff, and the new system at school in general), I'd really love nothing more than to set it aflame. But I can't. And I still love journalism. So I'm going to try one last time. Help? Please?

Dear Muse,

You've had a nice vacation after writing all those stupid AP essays and final exams. Hope you enjoyed it, because now you have to figure out how to market your employer (me) to various colleges. Yes, we have college essays to work on. Oodles of fun, no?

PS Thanks for that English Language grade, especially after 3 hours of sleep and a worthless flamingo topic to write about.

Dear Travel Powers that be,

A safe, productive, happy, insect-less trip would be most convenient. For all of us, not just me. Especially Dad, when he visits Kerala on his own, given his health last year.

Dear friends,

I will be in India for the next 5 weeks. I don't know whether I'll have access to a decent computer (since I might not be bringing my laptop) or internet, but I'll try to touch base every now and then. I may start a separate blog just for the India trip, but I'm not leaving this one any time soon. Expect lots of anecdotes, photos (must get memory cards! 621 pictures isn't enough!), elephants, and more. Until then, have a great summer! See you (at the very latest) August 8!

Signed, monsoon_nights

I was never any good at letter writing
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