Dec 31, 2006 00:09
After yet another semester of blahness, I withdrew from Mississippi State University.
Of course, I was kicked out of student housing for not being a student. I have entered into a temporary-ish, vaguely defined living arrangement with Utie and Joshua in Columbus.
I have a new job (another hotel) with shit pay. I will likely have a second job soon. I plan to crawl my way out of debt, build up my credit again, get a cheap jalopy of a car (as the nameless monstrosity with bitch cooties died on me), and move into my own place... all before Utie and Joshua get so sick of me that they kill me. Or the other way around.
The current plan is to move into another place in Columbus, although I'm putting some serious thought into relocating... and by "relocating" I mean packing up and leaving Mississippi. An entry level job, student aid (as I would be pretty much be pretending that I never went to MSU), and eventual schoolin', all in a not-Mississippi place, is looking pretty good right about now.
I've been in kind of a shitty headspace, so I haven't been very much into socializing lately. To those of you I've been effectively ignoring, I apologize, and I hope you don't take it personally.