Jul 31, 2004 15:05
Man, is it August already? Well, techincally we're still short of August by a few hours... but yeah, this summer has gone by really fast indeed.
And part of me is kind of glad that this summer's gone by as fast as it has. School starts in less than a month... and I'm kinda excited. I can't make fun of Ruth anymore for being excited for school... yeah, my "nerdy" side is kind of taking over... but hey, being stuck in Federal Way for the last three months has taken it's toll. I probably should have enrolled in summer school or maybe worked at the restaurant... but I guess I didn't plan that out very well.
The most exciting thing to happen to me lately? I got stung by a freakin' bee while waiting at the bus stop yesterday! I felt something moving around by my leg --- around my knee cap... and the next thing I know, I feel this poke and stinging pain! I'm pretty sure I've had bee stings before in the past but this was the first one I've noticed. Luckily I wasn't allergic to them... but I was definitely annoyed and yet somewhat freightened since this was the first noticeable bee sting I've experienced. It healed really fast though... so no big deal... you can't really see the tiny mark anyway. :)
I talked to my dad and stepmom yesterday... and although they do not admit it... they secretly want me to go into another field (besides teaching)... we'll see what happens though... three years of college can still change my mind numerous times!
Why is everything in this country so much more expensive? Absolutely unbelieveable... and annoying. I'm trying to find an inexpensive yet really good laptop. According to my wonderful parents, a "top of the line" laptop in Taiwan goes for around $1500 US... I just customized mine at Dell.com for $2200... not so good... I was also thinking about a $2300 Apple Powerbook... probably not a good idea either... still searching around.
ASI "Mardi Gras" convention with Eric next Wednesday in Portland... should be interesting (I hope)...