Oct 10, 2004 14:08
Yeah, so I decided to make a live journal. Not sure why.
I'm going to use this Journal for rants and thoughts and things.
Right before I start I should mention these things.
Things I hate.
*I hate people who have had a bad life, or who has had bad things happen to them, and think the Fucking world owes them some big favour. Those people are idiots.
*I hate people who use Empathy as a weapon. These People get off on your sympathy, It makes them feel good, I’m not sure why. Well you know what these people should be Fucking actors or Singers or something that steals centre stage. These People are fucking Pathetic. They always have to upstage themselves with huge melodrama, and the word for them IS martyr's*.
* I hate sceneters. These people are sad and again, lol, fucking idiots. I'm just gonna go outright and say it. Right by now you'll all be familiar with the term 'emo'. Well there are these people, who have turned the term into s fashion following-popularity-triangle-dominant-complex thing. Basically it's like when you're in year 6 in primary school, and you don't have these adidas tracksuit bottoms that everyone has. They look down at you, because you're not what they consider cool. These people get off on belittling you and they are Cunts. Anyway, these people exist in this so called 'Alternative' scene to. These 'emo' people's tracksuits are Blonde-streaks, and £200 hair cuts, or lip rings and square-framed glasses. They Listen To Bands like Finch Or taking back Sunday and think they're the dogs vagina. Bands who use only the power chords, (G-C-D) and have an American accent even if they're from fucking Poland. Anyway, I go out alot, and I see these people everywhere, they think they look different, but they all look exactly the same. Anyway they can be the most condescending pricks alive, just because I don't have an expensive haircut or a lip ring. And don't even get me started on fashion mullets, like what the fuck is that? Is it supposed to be ironic or something? Anyway my point being, I like my music because it's inspiring. It promotes INDIVIDUALITY, and it makes me feel like it's a power to be myself. No one should EVER be-little people for being themselves. I shouldn't have to apologise for not liking some fucking whiney idiot who goes on about his Fucking ex-girlfriend and calls it music. They have soiled the meaning of 'alternative'. 'Alternative' now means the same. The, we're so different, but look exactly the same crowd. Yes, ok, I understand that Idiots like Busted and McFly, have capitalised this look and brought it on the whole nation, and No, this isn't the 'emo' peoples fault. I like alot of emo-people. They look so cute (the girls) the look, it's nothing I would choose for myself, but I like it. It's just those twats, who look down on you because you don't dress as 'Emo' as them. These people are called 'Scenesters'. Because they're not a part of the passion, they're a part of the fashion, and they are the same people who looked down on you in primary school for not wearing the adidas tracksuit bottoms. Please don't get me wrong, it's NOT, the whole emo-scene it's just a small portion of them.
*People who don't know the value of money.
*People Who have had a small bad thing happen around them and think they've survived a horrible experience. i.e. 'Parents Divorce, etc' and think they're now dark and tortured.
*People who abbreviate Tomorrow to Tommoz, and mean it.
*Geremy Beadle, most 90's TV presenters.
*Rapists, paedophiles.
*people who are to self-riches.
*poncho wearers, (I'm sorry But it has to be said)
*People who think Nazi' and Rotten.com is cool. Or people who Jack-off and watch snuff films.
If you are any of the above, you probably won’t want to read this.
Wow just looked back at what i typed and realised how negetive it was!!