Well, here we go again...

Jan 01, 2010 05:51

Tonight is the second part of the Doctor Who special "The End of Time" and marks the end of David Tennant's tenure as the Tenth Doctor, regenerating into Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor. This will mark the eighth time I have been present for The Doctor's regeneration. Starting back when Jon Pertwee (my favorite Doctor) regenerated into Tom Baker. Tennant's love of the Doctor Who history and portrayal of The Doctor has given this series new life since it first left the airwaves back in 1989. While I will be one of the many sad to see Tennant leave the show, I ask fellow Doctor Who fans to do as I have done the past eight times. Approach Matt Smith with an open mind. Give him a chance to hop around in the TARDIS and enjoy new adventures.
Posted via email from James's posterous
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