Feb 14, 2005 15:11
The master list: There are certainly more, but these are the ones that I recognize as being English atrocities outside of the obvious ebonics and/or blatently uneducated examples that I didn’t bother listing. These are not cute or colloquial...they aren't acceptably southern or regional...they are just wrong, damnit, wrong!
I defy you to find a few that you don’t use yourself. I am ashamed to say I do :(
antartic (Antarctic)
artic (Arctic)
athalete (athlete)
calvary (cavalry)
cannidate (candidate)
card shark (cardsharp)
close (clothes)
comfterble (comfortable)
dialate (dilate)
duck tape (duct tape)
ekcetera (etcetera)
elecTORal (eLECtoral)
electorial (eLECtoral)
excape (escape)
expecially (especially)
expresso (espresso)
febyooary (February)
fedral (federal)
figer (figure)
heighth (height)
heinious (heinous)
hiarchy (hierarchy)
idn’t (isn’t)
jewler (jeweler)
jewlery (jewelry)
laxadaisical (lackadaisical)
liable (libel)
mannaise (mayonnaise)
menstrayshun (menstruation)
miniture (miniature)
minuscule (miniscule)
mischievious (mischievous)
mispronounciation (mispronunciation)
mobyeuhl (mobile)
mute (moot)
nucular (nuclear)
nuculus (nucleus)
ofTen (often) [=offen]
ostensively (ostensibly)
parenthesis (parentheses)
perculate (percolate)
perogative (prerogative)
pitcher (picture)
probly OR prolly (probably)
pronounciation (pronunciation)
realator (realtor)
reoccur (recur)
sherbert (sherbet)
silicone (silicon)
snuck (sneaked)
spade (spay)
supposably OR supposively (supposedly)
Tiajuana (Tijuana)
triathalon (triathlon)
upmost (utmost)
zoo-ology (zoology)
“For all intensive purposes” (for all intents and purposes)
“A blessing in the skies” (a blessing in disguise)
“bob wire” OR “barb wire” (barbed wire)
“spitting image” (spit and image)
“take for granite” (take for granted)
“a ways to go” (a way to go)
Oh...and by the way...irregardless and inflammable are both perfectly wonderful words...haters!