So the new thing is this: 5:45AM
Lying there with the ceiling fan whirring
The Dog under the blanket 'cause he gets cold easy
Just finished showering
Because that's what you do...I guess...
When you wake up like clockwork everyday rhymeless
At 4AM to 5AM...
My excuse? I don't know...
It's easier to sleep when you're clean?
or maybe
An affinity for listening to:
The not so distant woosh of pre-dawn cars
Fleeing to hide in their caves to avoid the sun
Dayrise or Moonfall not Imminent for a while yet?
or maybe
Because I've been dreaming so much lately
I have to take a break by 4:30AM...
Epic dreams with plots I'd pay to see on screen
Every night and sometimes several per night
For about six months now?
or just maybe
Because I'm being channeled by some alien shrink
Who is into studying the cause and effect
Of the human early morning bathroom experience?
6:00AM now...back to sleep...
The dog is snoring louder than I ever could
At least I never have to worry about needing
An alarm to avoid missing an early appointment...
I'll already be up.