Okay. I'm at school. I need to think. I need to plan. Anything is better than suicide or self-harm.
1. Complete math course.
A. If pass, no problem.
B. If fail, big problem.
B1. Beg for certificate option, but not until course is completed.
B2. Get a summer job. Save money, OR continue along parental line of thought that this will be my meaningless life.
B3. Bide time until Andy moves into his dorm/apartment. Possible move-in in attempt to leave abusive environment. (Cannot be done without A by my side while I'm collecting my things from home.) Get meaningless job in Austin.
2. Complete AAS in Human Services.
A. Finish FL during this time.
B. Use positive stress relievers as much as possible.
3. Move to Austin after graduation with A's help.
4. HS job in Austin.
Readers: tell me what you think. Please(!).
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