I plugged in my portable hard drive, which I've been backing things up with for a while now, and it didn't turn on at all. I know that all I can do is take it somewhere to see if they can fix it and get over it if that stuff is lost, but for now I have an obnoxious panicky feeling in my chest, and I'm very distracted and off in space but my mind does not seem to be on anything in particular. Go away, feeling!
I haven't been doing a whole lot, art-wise, but here are some things I ain't never showed yous:
Happy cherry pickers! So happy!!!
I heart this one. It is a self-portrait.
Imitating a style I've seen around. Why?
I am irritated by the last one. It started out as just a fun abstract poetic thing, then I thought to myself "nobody will appreciate this but me unless I put something representational into it" so I decided to try a self-portrait, since I have only ever tried that once (see the third drawing in this series, with the staircase), and now I think it looks really unsophisticated and silly. I wonder whether I'll finish it.
UCK! I am in a CRABBY MOOD. Pardon me.