Lovin Green!!

Aug 15, 2005 21:10

So today I thought I would think REALLY hard what MY favorite color is. And after long thought. I finally picked my favorite color. It's GREEN!! I love the color green. I think it might be a phase, but regardless of the phase it's the new "IN" color for me. I ended up going to Island Town Friedmans and was looking at the pretty rings and necklaces and just fell hardcore in love with this light green ring. It's white gold with a very beautiful light green gem. It's square shaped. And I LOVE it! I didn't just go to the store to look at jewelery, but to help get the stores registers up. I went with Linda. I don't think I even would of went if it wasn't for Evelyn chewing my head off and spitting it out as soon as I sat down. I come in with my food from Pizza Hut and go to log onto my computer when she yells across the room. "LISA!, are you clocked in?" I said yes, I'm just waiting for my computer to boot up and then I'll be on the phones... She says, "I didn't need to know all that. I just wanted to know if you were clocked in." "I didn't need the extra!!" And if anyone knows Evelyn, you know she can be the biggest BITCH on the face of the planet. So needless to say I told Linda that what she did was pretty uncalled for. And she in turn had me go to Island town with her. And Evelyn was NOT happy about that. But who cares. I haven't said barely two words to the women, and the first thing out of her mouth was that. She's on a war path for me for some strange reason...
Speaking of Evelyn. I had the funniest, yet scary dream. After seeing the Skeleton Key with Jamie, Adam, Kelson, and my mom. I had a dream that Evelyn was a voodoo priests and was putting a voodoo curse on me. She cut a piece of my hair off and that's about all that I remember now. But after seeing her today, I think she might just be dabbling in the voodoo parctice... lol.
Yesterday, Me, Adam, Jamie and Kelson all went to the flea market. Jamie is totally just like me when it comes to buying accessories. I'm really glad that she was there. While Adam says, "you don't need that." I've Jamie saying, "just buy it, it's cool!" So of course I'm going to listen to Jamie. But allot of the flea market people don't take cards, so I didn't get to get my freakin bead necklace made of red coral!! Because I couldn't find a damn ATM. But given my financial status at the moment, it's probably a good thing. But I didn't get sun glasses. These are the SUPER hang-over glasses. There HUGE! Jamie got the size just below the SUPER HUGE ones. So there just plain BIG. Then we all went to eat at Macaroni Grill, And I swear I was SOOOO thirsty!!! I had like 6 cokes!!! And Jamie had like 5 tea's. The funny part was that Kelson was like, "Keep MY drinks coming." And me and Jamie were the one's drinking faster...
But after dinner, we all went to Barnes & Nobles. I picked up a detox book. I'm really serious about doing this. It is completely mapped out on what I have to do. It's a month long and it gives me what I can buy for dinners and lunches. It tells me the two week process to get into the whole detox mode. And I'm just really excited about doing it. It's suppose to clean out your entire system and not only just help to get some weight off, but also it is suppose to clear your skin up and help with sickness. Not to mention it's going to be help with the mind and spirit part. I know I sound like a complete hippie. But I'm really just stoked about clearing my mood of the toxins that I've collected over the past couple months. Then Jamie picked up a nutrition book, which will be so helpful for "after" the detox process. I'm so looking forward to doing this. I haven't been committed to something, besides Adam in such a long time. And I know it's going to be really hard, but I'm so dedicated to completing the process... I need to take a shower. I know pretty random but I feel so dirty after crawling around under those registers.... YUCK!!!
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