Jun 09, 2005 18:37
So I finally got off my lazy ass and went to Armstrong this morning. I had to drop off my Transcripts and shot records. Well low and behold I haven't taken the SAT's. I thought I did, but I didn't. I took pre-SAT's. How lame is that? And they don't count for anything. I'm so ashamed that I didn't really take the real thing. And I kinda felt stupid when I was there. Luckily, they are offering a open SAT on July 23rd. It's 40.00, and that still doesn't grantee me to the FALL 2005 semester. But I'll be squared away for the SPRING 2006 one!!! That's so freaking depressing! So I'm totally putting ALL my focus on getting in for FALL 2005. It just sucks, because I'm totally wanting this. I'm ready. And it's ME that is ready. Not everyone else around me. Just me..... And it's so depressing that it took me this long to realize what I want to do. Okay enough whinning.
I'm reading this book called Angels & Devils by Dan Brown. David the "old" night operator let me borrow it. It's a pretty big book and it's been sitting under my desk for god knows how long. But I've been reading it off and on. And I have to say this is a pretty good book. That's if you like suspense novels. And I heard that the author using actual facts to his fiction tale. So yeah, it's a good book. I finally finished reading The Hitchhikers Guide. That took me a while too. For such a small read it took me like a month or something to finish it. But if you know me personally you would know that I hated reading. But I'm actually starting to enjoy it. In small doses.... lol. But the whole reason I read The Hitchhikers Guide was for Adam, because the movie came out. And I really disappointed him. By the time I was finished the movie had been pulled from the theaters. I can't believe they pulled it! There were movies that were in theaters BEFORE T.H.H.G.. And they pulled that movie. THAT ONE MOVIE!! And that was the ONE movie Adam REALLY wanted to see. And I failed him as a girlfriend. So depressing.... Now I can't ask him to go to a movie without feeling bad for what I did. So needless to say, I just don't go to movies anymore.... lol.