kittens, comments, and jamaican crabs

Jul 24, 2005 18:24

I just left a lot of comments on old lj entries. They will never be read. Sam has started posting again-we'll see how long this lasts. LAst night hell was let loose in my house in a most embarassing and stressful manner. It involved three teenagers, two "adults", and two cats. It was bad. Eleanor did bestow upon my mother the "Less rational than MAry Meyer" award. =), sigh. I'm tired. and stressed. I haven't gotten any sleep at Jeff's lately and that's affecting my mood. I'm not sure if I'll ever get out this cycle of dissapointment with my mother. Maybe when I move out it'll get better. I feel like calling Ali or Mani just to check and see if the madness that exists in my mother is genetic or just a fluke that she alone seems to enjoy. I don't think I could stand to grow up to be like her.

I'm watching my icon and it makes me sad. I want everything with Jeff to be okay. Dammit, if it were just the two of us in the world, everything would be fine. Other people keep fucking us up. I resent that.

I was so bored at work I started reading the british version of Harry Potter #6. This is the third go round for me. Ellie brought it back. Oh, ellie's back for all of those sad souls who don't know. I missed her. She's such a feminine comfort. None of my oher friendships exists solely on emotional support. Sometimes its a good thing (like now) and sometimes not so good.

I'm going to go rent the little mermaid and watch it. Fuck the world. I'll deal with it later.
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