In an effort to post more art in my poor neglected art journal, here is a sketch dump!
It's been a long time coming, too, since these are all things I drew while in Japan and only got around to scanning in today. I missed my scanner!
Of course we'd kick it off with Sirius and Lupin. Those two have been neglected by me quite a lot these days.. But I tried to do something different, pose-wise. Of course there was a reference, because I ain't that good.
Ryutaro is my favourite real person to draw.. And just my favourite real person. He made my year in Japan that much awesomer.
I always run out of ideas when drawing a katamari.. So there's a lot of repeats. Also, I love penguins.
I think this is pretty self-explanatory! I love felt-pens! And brontosauruses!
Lastly, a self-portrait, I suppose? I can't remember why I drew this.. May was a crazy month.
I did draw a bit more than this in Japan, but the rest is mostly HORRIBLY UGLY BLIND-CONTOUR because I am lazy! Let's see if I can't get off my ass and draw new stufffffffffff...