(no subject)

Dec 16, 2010 00:08

Hey no peeking in the ladies' room you two! XD

And here's Nami's drabbles that inspired the sketch ^^:


the first time she heard of the legend, aqua thought of making one, just for that one person to come.

the other girls talk about princes and knights and she dreamt of that too. she meets him, though: dirty from the streets and thin from lack of care and nourishment.

he was no knight or shining prince and he needed protecting too, but that was okay. aqua didn't want to wait in a tower anyway.

her first try is a disaster: dented spines, half melted through and another half unbaked.

aqua rubs at her eyes and swipes the pieces into the bin.

(a week later, she finds her experiment in a box on her bed topped with a bow. the bow is crooked from too-large hands and the none of it matches or looks good together, much less packaged like a pretty gift.

she decides to keep it anyway.)


when ven comes she thinks she has it: metal and fire and wind and she learns the spells to make sure none of her accidents happen again

this time, it seems almost... passable.

she uses glass but none of it lasts when the ground rocks with a spell-blast and there's nothing left. terra apologizes to her when he realizes that his spell reached up to her room, but she waves him off and smiles.

these, too, she puts in her box.


talking to the moogles is like kicking a very insistent puppy. she only needed the materials; her project was her own, made with her own efforts. no grubby, talented paws were going to touch them.

it takes too long for her to find the materials she needed to trade for what she wanted to use and even longer for the moogles to stop giving her he evil looks. stupid, stubborn things.


she burns fire, melts rock and makes the kitchen explode before the master made her work in an empty room, all to herself.

she does it again. the crafting, not the exploding.

when she's done, she's pleased with herself, yellow and orange and green that she shows it to master eraqus when he peeks in and asks if the coast is clear. she thinks that there's something missing, but as always, he seemed to know just the right answer:

"for a stool to be stable, it has to have three legs" he says, and leaves her to it.

aqua thinks that she should replace his desk calendar, for thanks.


Ven's first to bed and Aqua peeks in one last time to say goodnight before she leaves

she's happy to see that he has her work by his pillow and flattered

"so you're finally done. it's much better than the work in progress."

it was a good omen. she hoped they'll both pass tomorrow's exam.

character: terra, a: nami, character: ventus, writing, character: aqua, fandom: kingdom hearts, a: meru

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