Tidak-tidak, gw ga minta dana buat gw makan. Tidak juga buat gw pergi spa atau salon. Tidak juga buat Junior untuk beli baju neon plastik keperakan yang berenda-renda. Gw minta dana lebih buat NEWS.
No-no, I do not ask a budget for my consumption. Not even for me to go to spa or salon. Not for the juniors to buy silvery neon plastic shirts. I ask for more budget for NEWS.
Oke, sekarang mari kita maen banding-bandingan yeee, boleh kan? Kita mulai dengan KATTUN yang berasal dari generasi yang sama dengan NEWS tapi didebut 3 tahun kemudian.
OK, now let’s play comparison, shall we? We start with KAT-TUN, which belong to the same generation to NEWS, but debuted 3 years later.
Tahun ini, gak gak, gw maksud SETENGAH TAHUN ini, mereka telah merilis 2 single (One Drop and Rescue), dan satu album (Break The Records). Ketiga produk ini hanya saling berselang satu bulan. Gak lupa gw menyebutkan DVD konser 2008 mereka (Queen of Pirates) yang dirilis awal tahun ini.
Tour mereka dimulai 15 Mei 2009 di Tokyo Dome dan mereka melakukan 8 hari tanpa berhenti (supaya dapetin rekor konser terpanjang atau whatever deh), mereka melakukannya LAGI di TOKYO DOME. Kita juga tidak boleh melupakan tambahan 3 hari di Osaka “secara tiba-tiba”. J&A menghabiskan dana sekitar 2 MILIAR YEN buat konser ini dan promosinya gila-gilaan. Truk gambar poster konser mereka, iklan di majalah-majalah, poster di mana-mana, dan di Koran-koran…
This year, no no, I mean this HALF A YEAR, they’ve released 2 singles (one drop and rescue), and an album (break the records). These three products were only separated by one month. I would also like to remind you about their 2008 Concert DVD (Queen of Pirates) which was released earlier this year. Their tour started May 15th, 2009 in Tokyo Dome and they did it for 8 straight days (in order to break the record as having the longest concert or whatever), they did it AGAIN in TOKYO DOME. We must also not forget the “sudden” additional 3 days shows in Osaka. J&A spent money around 2 billion Yen for this concert and it’s over-the-top promotion. A truck with their concert poster, advertising in magazines, posters everywhere, and newspapers…
Dan gw akan mengingatkan bahwa ini semua terjadi sejak 1 Januari 2009 sampai hari ini. Dan TENTU SAJA, mereka masih punya acara regular mereka di TV “Cartoon KATTUN”.
And I’ll remind you that this had happen since January 1st, 2009 til this day. And OFF COURSE, they still have their regular TV show “Cartoon KATTUN”.
Sekarang mari kita lihat NEWS. Apa yang sudah kita lakukan tahun ini? Ya kita tampil di J-Countdown (Oh please, siapa sih yang ga tampil di sana?)
Now let’s see NEWS. What have we done this year? Yes, we have gigs in J-Countdown (Oh please, who didn’t have a gig there??)
Kemudian…..Oh!!! Massu ada di dorama RESCUE (tapi NAKAMARU juga di sana, dan gw ga taw kenapa BAND-NYA dia yang BERHAK ngisi OST-nya) Koyama juga ada di Butai “Call”, Apa? Gw ga boleh nyebutin aktivitas solo mereka? Yah abis, klo gw ga nyebutin, NEWS sama sekali ga melakukan apa-apa secara bersama…
Then…..Oh!!! Massu was in the dorama RESCUE (but NAKAMARU was also there, and I don’t know why HIS BAND was the one who have THE RIGHT to do the OST) Koyama also had a Butai “Call”. What?? I am not allowed to mention their solo activities? Well, if I don’t, NEWS didn’t have anything that they do together…
Baik..baik..gw ikutin aturan..oh iyaaa….kita tampil di majalah Seventeen setiap terbit!!HA? Itu ga bisa dihitung?OI! terus apa donk yang boleh dihitung? Produk musik? Oke deh….
OK..OK..I’ll follow the rule. Oh righttt… we appear in Seventeen magazines everytime it’s printed!! HA?? That doesn’t count?? OI! Then what counts? Music production? Okay….
Tour konser DIAMOND kita berakhir tanggal 12 January 2009!!! Udah 2009 kan? (AKHIRNYA~~) Kemudian kita punya single “Koi no ABO” yang rilis tanggal 29 April yang mana berselang 7 bulan sejak “Happy Birthday” rilis….mari abaikan itu, kuantitas tidak berarti kualitas.
Our DIAMOND concert tour ened on January 12th, 2009!!! It’s already 2009 right?? (FINALLY~~). Then we have single “Koi no ABO” which was released on April 29th, which was 7 months separated from the released of “Happy Birthday”…let’s ignore that, quantity doesn’t mean quality.
Tidak, kita tidak punya program TV regular. Bagaimana dengan siaran radio? Tidak? Itu tidak bisa dihitung? OH MY GOSH!
No, we don’t have regular TV show. How about radio show? No? That’s not counted? OH MY GOSH!
Gw bener bener BENER ga ngerti kenapa mereka ga bisa dapet dana lebih? Johnny-san, apa yang mereka lakukan terhadapmu?Oke, mereka ga pernah melakukan dosa ama kau kan?
I really really REALLY don’t understand why don’t they can not get more budgets to spend? Johnny-san, what did they do to you? Okay, they never made a sin to you, right?
Terus KENAPA kita tidak MELAKUKAN APA-APA? Bahkan Hey Say JUMP punya 2 program TV setiap minggunya, dan demi Tuhan, mereka juga tampil di Shounen Club SETIAP MINGGU. Dan mereka adalah ‘KOUHAI’….bukankah ini aneh?
Then WHY we don’t DO ANYTHING? Even Hey Say JUMP has 2 TV programs every week, and by the love of God, they even appear in Shounen Club EVERY WEEK. And they’re ‘KOUHAI’…isn’t it strange?
Gw bener-bener sebel dengan semua ini. Saat Yamapi berada di tengah-tengah istirahat sebelum memulai syuting Buzzer Beat, dia masih menunjukkan batang hidungnya di kantor. Klo orang yg liat mungkin akan berpikir, “What? Ngapain dia disini? Pulanglah ke rumah dan istirahatlah sebanyak mungkin, atau tontonlah DVD Star Wars atao Dragonball di rumah!! Jangan pergi kerja!”. Dan yg gw denger dari staff JE adalah, dia mengobrol-ngobrol dengan para staff apakah ada kesempatan bagi dia untuk mengupayakan NEWS agar lebih ter-expose di TV. Sebuah program TV atau bintang utama dalam event contohnya (syukur deh mereka bisa jadi “main role” di 24 hour TV). Atau bahkan berada di program yang berating kecil. Walo dia sangat berharap dapat tampil di acara musik bersama NEWS.
I really hate all of those. When Yamapi was in the middle of his break before shooting Buzzer Beat, he still came to the office. If people saw that, they’d think “What? What is he doing here? Go home and take as much rest as you can, or watch Star Wars DVD or Dragonball at home!! Don’t go to work!” And from what I heard from JE’ Staff was, he’s chatting with the staffs to see if there’s a chance for him to make possible for NEWS to be more exposed in TB. A TV program, or a lead role in an event for example (thanks God they were the “main role” in the 24H TV). Or even be in a program with low rating. Though he wished to be in a music show with NEWS.
Tapi itu terlalu berat. Para staff mana mungkin bisa membantu, karena mereka bukanlah pembuat keputusan. Manajemenlah yang berhak menangani ini semua. Tapi satu hal yang pasti, NEWS itu MENJUAL dan hasil penjualan kita tuh GAK BURUK. Johnny-san. Kau ga bisa donk terus-terusan danain ARASHI hanya karena mereka telah menjual jutaan copy single, atau karena seluruh dunia tampak mencintai mereka, mereka bisa mencapai titik sekarang ini karena KAU lah yang selalu memberikan mereka kesempatan. Klo kita pikir-pikir, acara apa aja yang telah dilakoni Arashi selama 10 tahun ini, RIBUAN! Dan jika memikirkan lagi, ga semua kok acara mereka dapet rating yang bagus. Tentu saja gw juga ga akan bilang klo rating Cartoon KATTUN itu tinggi, tapi bukankah mereka tetap melakukannya? Sebuah titik mulai yang kuat seperti KATTUN tidak menjadi kesuksesan yang terus menerus di masa depan. Arashi telah mengerjakan semua kesempatan yang diberikan pada mereka, dan beruntung , mereka diakui kini.
But that was too heavy. The staff wouldn’t be able to help, because they were not the one who made the decision. It’s the management who has the right to deal with all of those. But one thing for sure, NEWS is SELLING and the sales was NOT BAD. Johnny-san. You can not continuously spend on ARASHI only because they sell million copy single, or because the whole worlds seems to love them, they arrive at this point they are in right now because YOU gave them the chance. If we think about it, what shows did ARASHI do along this 10 years, THOUSANDS! And if we think about it again, not all of their shows got good rating. Off couse I wouldn’t say that Cartoon KATTUN’ rating is high, but don’t they still do it? A strong start point like KATTUN doesn’t ensure an all time success in the future. Arashi had done all the chances given to them, and lucky, they are acknowledged now.
Tapi Johnny-san, bagaimana kau bisa menduga NEWS tidak akan menjadi BOM jika kau saja menutup kesempatan buat mereka??? Kau ga bisa pake alasan bahwa tiap member punya kesibukan yang padat, itu lagu lama. Arashi membuktikan bahwa TIDAK ADA YANG TIDAK TERTANGANI selama semua orang berusaha. Lihat Sho, 3 program TV Arashi, interview dan pemotretan tiap bulan di majalah, rekaman, promosi film, syuting dorama dan film, kasting pembawa acara berita……Ya, dia SANGAT sibuk, tapi toh dia MASIH HIDUP.
But Johnny-san, how could you predict that NEWS won’t be a BOMB if you close the chances for them??? You could not use the reason that every member have a ful schedule, that’s an old song. ARASHI had proven that THERE’S NOTHING YOU COULDN’T HANDLE as long as one work hard. Like at Sho, 3 TV program, interview and photo shoot for magazine every month, recording, movie promotion, drama shooting, movie shooting, TV newscaster….Yes, he’s VERY busy, but he’s STILL ALIVE.
Kita semua telah memilih jalur ini. Jika kita memang tidak menyukai gaya hidup seperti itu, tentu saja kita udah keluar dari awal toh, apalagi waktu awal debut, bayarannya tuh kecil banget. Ya, mungkin emank pada awalnya NEWS itu meragukan dan diragukan semua orang, dan jalan mereka memang BERBATU dan TIDAK PASTI, tapi NEWS bukanlah kumpulan orang-orang yang TIDAK SALING MENGENAL SATU SAMA LAIN lagi. Mereka INGIN melakukannya. Mereka ingin MEMBUKTIKAN bahwa mereka bisa. Hanya berikanlah mereka kesempatan dan mereka akan berjuang dengan sangat keras LEBIH dari yang kau bayangkan, Johnny-san.
We all have chosen this path. If we don’t like the lifestyle, we might have steped out from the beginning, especially when you just debuted, the pay was so low. Yes, probably at the start NEWS was full of doubt and everybody doubted them, and their path is ROCKY and UNSURE, but NEWS was not a group of people WHO DIDN’T KNOW ONE ANOTHER anymore. They WANT to do it. The want TO PROVE that they could do it. Just give them the chance and they will strive even HARDER than you imagine, Johnny-san.
Makanya Johnny-san, Onegai!Tanomu! Berilah mereka sedikit dana lagi! Gw sangat menginginkannya, karena gw ngetik ini pas gw lagi banyak tugas yang mesti kumpul besok.
PS: Konser Tegomass, DVD Diamond, Single Yamapi, dan konser solo Yamapi agak mengurangi kekeselan saya, Johnny-san. Tapi WHAT?? Duet or Solo activities again? HELLOOOO~
That’s why Johnny-san, Onegai! Tanomu! Give them more budget! I really want it, that’s why I type this when I have lots of works due tomorrow.
PS: Tegomass’ concert, Diamond DVD, Yamapi’s Single, and Yamapi’s solo concert made me hate you less, Johnny-san. But WHAT?? Duet or Solo activities again? HELLOOOO~
Note from me:
I don't really get the writings. I mean, it uses a lot of OUR. As in "OUR Diamond concert tour". OUR? It's NEWS' Diamond concert tour, right? And at the end? "I really want it" Uhmmm....wow. And who are you again, that Johnny-san should follow what you want???