Jan 25, 2007 16:57
I totally knew I was going to have to get all of my wisdom teeth taken out. I could have told them not to do the x-ray because I already knew my fate. My dad had his taken out when he was 20, he actually got it done for free because he worked at some dental place and about 30 students observed and took part in it. I wouldn't mind that if it could be free, because even though I don't have to pay for it, it's almost 2,000 and who knows how much insurance will cover. The oral surgeon explained everthing to me, and it sounds way worse than other people have told me. So many risks and unpleasant things!
*Postoperative discomfort,swelling, bruising and discoloration that may require several days of at-home recuperation (i'm so going to get bruising)
*Prolonged or heavy bleeding that may require additional treatment
*Injury or damage to adjacent teeth or fillings
*Stretching of the corners in the mouth that may cause cracking and bruising and may heal slowly
*Restricted mouth opening for several days; sometimes related to swelling and muscle soreness and sometimes related to stress in the joints of the jaw, as well as referred pain to the ear, neck and head
*Fracture of the jaw in more complicated extractions (awesome!)
*Injury to the nerve underlying lower teeth resulting in numbness or tingling of the chin, lip, cheek, gums and/or tongue which may persist for several weeks, months, or, in rare instances, PERMANENTLY! ahhh okay i know that that probably won't happen, but he did tell me that he had a young girl in there who had been having numbness for weeks so it happens!
I just had to write some of those because I feel like unnecessarily scaring myself. The appointment isn't till March but i'm just annoyed that I have to have it done. And I'm sure I'll be all gross and swollen for days afterwards and I won't let anyone see me, including Jeff, so it will be a lonely time. I'm sleepy.