Its Happening

Jun 19, 2008 15:50

The further is happening

So I have all this stuff to get in like the next two weeks or something so some serious funds need to be raised I was trying to find a picture of the uniform I have to get but the ones online I think are a little jazzer than the real deals so I think Its gonna look something like this only in Navy..

But when I actually go to order is should be some time next week I'll try and take a picture.
I am started to get scared about starting this course cause Like what if I am shit at it and fail horribly and end up qulified for nothing
Or worse what if I had it and never end up going on to tattooing like I want and get stuck in a job I resent .....

Today I am gonna do some drawing for like the first time since before the Leaving Cert...
I hope its enjoyable

Also I get to cook again and I really want to make Pavlova for some reason I think its cause I seen it on come dine with me

Tara I hope you are doing well and Eibhear is good, I don't know when your gonna get online to read this but the picture you sent me yesterday was SO CUTE
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