
May 27, 2008 21:33

1. How are you today?
Okay, tired and my Tail bone hurts like a bitch!

2. Have you ever used ProActiv?

3. Did it work?

4. Have you ever ordered from an infomercial?

5. When was the last time you got a new phone?
Emm over a year ago off my friend Grace cause I lost my phone on a bus!

6. Do you shop at Hollister?
I do not

7. Do you have a piggy bank that you actually use?
No but I would like a piggy bank

8. What do you wear daily for jewelery?
Used to be lipbar but I lost it so now like plugs the ring in that little part of my ear and usually a necklace

9. How many belts do you own?
I dont think I have any

10. Are you excited to see the new Indiana Jones movie?
Really not

11. What are you excited for?
Sex and the City movie! Stereo! and the Leaving been OVER Roll on Summer....

12. Have you ever been pregnant?
Not yet.

13. When was the last time you went to the dentist?
Ages ago

14. Do you use mouthwash?
From time to time

15. Have you ever taken sleeping pills?

16. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
Last night emm like 6 I think I know when my Alarm whent off I wanted to sleep for like a million more years

17. Do you like the Real World?

18. When was the last time you played the Sims 2?
Not that long ago. Unfortunately

19. Would you ever want to be on America's Next Top Model?
Yes but not as a contender

20. Do you believe in the saying "One man's trash is another man's treasure"?
Yeah, in certen areas but I wouldn't say so about actual trash

21. Have you ever been in a limo?
I don't think so

22. Do you think being a stylist would be fun?
Hells Yes.

23. Have you ever been to California?
Not yet

24. When was the last time you put lotion on?
What kinda lotion? Like moisturiser yesterday

25. What was the last perfume you put on?
Friday I think

26. Do you believe that age is nothing but a number?
Not really like I like to think that to a certain degree love doesn't depend on age, gender, race, looks ect but like pedophilia is just wrong

27. How often do you go shopping?
Food shopping Friday night

28. What is your favorite color?

29. Do you own a facebook?
And wish never to own one

30. How about MySpace?

31. Do you have any pets?
Yes 2 well ones my brothers

32. What are they?
A Dog, Lola and a Fish, Lucy

33. Do you have a job?
Not currently I need to get one after the exams though

34. How many enemies do you have?
I don't know I would say at least one

35. Do you like wearing real fur?

36. What color is your hair?
Blond with leopard print in the sides

37. How many dresses do you own?
emm Aprox. 12

38. When was the last time you were in a cafeteria?
I was in the canteen today

39. Who is your best friend?
Lauryn, Tara and Min

40. Are you so happy that David Cook won American Idol?
Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

41. Can you remember the last time you used a ruler?
Em like a week or two ago

42. When will/did you graduate high school?
11 days ago

43. Do you swear often?
Very often

44. Are you planning on getting a hair cut soon?
Yeah It a cut that need to be often cut

45. What are your favorite kind of cupcakes?
I dunno I haven' tried enough cupcakes yet

46. Have you ever made your own jewelry before?
Quite often as a child

47. How many people live in your house?

48. Are you Irish?

49. How about Scottish?
I wish

50. What is your mood right now?
Quite pissed off and sure that I need to move asap
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