Who knew today would be so important?

Feb 03, 2008 09:05

So I've got this...person...on my FRIENDS LIST OMG on MYSPACE OMG because he's unintentionally hilarious. He's the author of a self-published fantasy book that looks like it will make Sass Girls X a literary classic by comparison. Everything he says and does is truly hilarious. Today he posted a "Biblical Superbowl Prophecy." That's right: The Superbowl is now predicting our future.


And of course it's tied up with 9/11, every crazy person's favorite event since Waco.

If you can read this all, I applaud you for your tenacity.

Check this out, directly from the twisted mind of Scorpius Blood...

Here is my take on a very special Super Bowl 42 that should be considered by everyone as a prophetic game. The outcome of this single elimination contest may predict the outcome of American/World history...

The How(s) and Why(s)

The New England Patriots----> America's Team, not Dallas, because this team's Super Bowl history mirrors exactly the history of America itself. How, you ask? Well, here is why...

Super Bowl 20
The Patriots entered Superbowl 20 to challenge the Bears as HUGE underdogs, in the same way the English commoners fought against mother England (Symbolized by a Bear) for religious freedoms and tax relief. The Patriots, as the home team (as if in England), were destroyed by the Bears in much the same way the commoners were controlled and forced to do whatever the King of England desired. Think back to the Patriots old helmet and what symbol was on it...
Super Bowl 31
The Patriots entered Superbowl 31 to challenge the Packers, once again as HUGE underdogs. The Green Bay Packers, the home team of this Super Bowl, are symbolic of the Native Americans who the original colonists had to battle as they settled our nation's soil. The Packers name/mascot came originally from the INDIAN packaging company that Lambeau worked with. The Patriots gave the Packers a good game, but eventually the special teams play of the Pack and their defense overcame a bewildered Patriots-ironically like the French & Indians had done to the original colonists and english soldiers.
Super Bowl 36
The Patriots entered Superbowl 36 to challenge the Rams, haha, once again as HUGE underdogs, but again as the home team of SB 36-in the same way the original colonists were firmly fixed now on our nation's soil, but struggling to survive against Bears (actual Bears and English red coats)and Indians, oh my! The Ram, symbol of the Zodiac sign of Aries, conjures up ancient symbolism to the God of War himself. The American Revolution was a WAR against the old kingdom's complete control and lack of all freedoms... Out of War the birth of a *New Nation... a New England was born. With the surprising victory of America over England, we get the unlikely victory of the Patriots over the Rams!
Super Bowl 38 & 39
The Patriots strolled into Superbowls 38 and 39 with a chip on their shoulders. This chip nearly outweighed the integrity of the Patriots. These two games, seemingly played in the same exact way... full of team play, comebacks, and drama... were against the Panthers (symbolic of our faults as a nation like slavery, racism, etc) and Eagles (symbolic of our nation's national symbol and the rise of a black quarterback-basically changes). These games are a microcosm of our nations rise through slavery, the Civil War, World Wars I & II, and the first Gulf War. However, out of all the intense challenges from the Panthers and Eagles, we the people of this here New England have made it here... to the pinnacle once again.
Super Bowl 42, played in "Phoenix" Rising from the ashes... but what will rise?

After the horrid attacks on the Twin Towers, burning to the ground, it seemed the New England Patriots exploded onto the NFL's scene of elite teams, ironically just as our nation needed the emotional and pyschological lift. After three Super Bowl victories... through much strife and war... we the people of this here New England aka America are at a cross roads of sort... we face an opponent with a fierce history, a reputation and name that in itself carries much biblical/NFL weight... the Giants. The symbolisms in this game are scary... the GIANTS represent the giant NEPHILIM from Genesis, Chapter 6 of the HOLY BIBLE!!!! The Giants (terrorist of Middle Eastern/Nephilim blood are imbedded within our own Yorktown and wearing our colors of red, white, and blue). They are waging war Holy War against the Patriots (we the people of America). Who will win the War on Terror on Super Sunday???? I see this game as an ironic prophecy of sort. If the underdog Giants win this game we may be seeing the prelude to the eventual fall of America. If the Patriots win... I see the prelude to a One World Government in which America rules the World in peace. The stage is set in Phoenix, Arizona for the "Phoenix" aka freedom to rise from the ashes of our terror and lead the lost souls into Heaven for a final judgment with Christ...
The numerological factors...

*If the Patriots win, they will be a perfect 19-0 (1+9=10... 1+0= 1 is the number for Leo the Lion aka King Jesus (perfection), from the bloodline of David who killed the Giant

**If the Patriots win they will have won a 4th SB and be 4-2 in the Super Bowl... thus SB 42

***If the Patriots win, an AFC team, the AFC will have...
10 wins as the SB Home Team
11 wins as the SB Away Team

while the NFC already has...

10 wins as the SB Home Team
11 wins as the SB Away Team

Note: AFC is currently at 9 Wins as Home team, 11 Wins as Away Team
Look here... 9-11 !!! A number we can all relate to as Patriots and Americans!
Patriot Super Bowl appearences...

SB 20 Patriots vs Chicago Bears
2+0=2... (2) is the number of Cancer, the sign associated with Home (Patriots at home in England) and the color navy blue (Bears) *refer to the very top of this bulletin)

SB 31 Patriots vs Green Bay Packers
3+1=4... (4) is the number of Taurus, the sign of nature-beauty and associated with the color green (Packers) *refer to the very top of this bulleting

-If you combine these two Super Bowl loses for the Pats and add the 2 and 4 you get 6... the sign of Libra... judgement-our new nations first judgment!

SB 36 Patriots vs St. Louis Rams
3+6=9... (9) is the number of Capricorn, the half fish/half goat... associated with strength, wisdom, and determination... for which the original Patriots had to exibit to gain their religious (***Saint Louis) independance from England.

SB 38 Patriots vs Carolina Panthers
3+8=11... (11) is a Master Number associated with portals to new realms and the sign of Pisces. Pisces is also associated with Christianity for which America became the home protector of. 1+1=(2) the sign of Cancer again and associated with Home!!!

SB 39 Patriots vs Philadelphia Eagles
3+9=12... 1+2=(3) is the number of Gemini, the twins of communication... but the twins cannot be trusted just as America is seen globally as outspoken and untrustworthy due to our continued wars and threats!!!

*if you combine the Master Numbers 9, 11, 3... note after 911 we verbally declared war...

9+1+1+3=14... 1 (Leo or King Christ) + 4 (Taurus King with horns)= 5
5 is the number associated with Aries, the GOD OF WAR!!!

and finally...

SB 42 Patriots vs New York Giants
4+2=6... (6) is the number associated with Libra, the scales of judgement... here we are, at the crossroads of our Second Judgment!!!

*When we combined the Master Numbers of the Patriots first two SB loses we got this...

SB 20
(2) On the Indians homeland we pass judgement on them...

SB 31
(4) We become the rulers of these lands...

which equaled (6) the First Judgement of the American soil...

Now we get...

SB 42
(4) The kings of America...
(2) On our homeland we will get judgment passed on us...

The numbers order is reversed... sooooo, will the biblical Giants pass judgement on the American Patriots and defeat them, preventing the Phoenix from rising? Or, shall the Patriots defend the homeland against the threat and allow the Phoenix of freedom to rise yet again???

I hope this was an entertaining bulletin. Thank you!
Scorpius Blood

My prediction for this game is...

New York Giants 31
New England Patriots 31 *Overtime...

Field Goal....

New York Giants win... 34 to 31

3+4=7... (7) is the number associated with Virgo, the Angel of Revelation who pours out the viles of judgment upon the world's kings...

3+1=4... (4) is the number of Taurus the Bull King...

God has used the evil, terrorist and psychos, of this world to pass judgement on us-as well as Angels... I see this game as a sign of America's pending destruction if we do not withdraw from the Middle East and take care of our own! The New England Patriots will lose...

7+4=11, the Master Number of Portals and Pisces (Christ)... in a new realm we shall go, but a realm of what??? Peace or World War III and on what soil... (11) 1+1=2... (2) the number of Cancer and our homeland... July 4th, 1776 America was born under the sing of Cancer ;)

Pssssst... it was even 42 years until the Patriots won their first Super Bowl.
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