Dec 14, 2007 06:46
The conversation Will and I had on the way to the gym last night:
L: Man, I can't wait until A Dance With Dragons comes out. I am seriously going to freak out when it's announced.
W: Whatever. The end of it will probably be really disappointing.
L: No way. George Martin is the shit. He will not write a disappointing ending.
W: The characters will probably go to the Wheel of Time universe or something.
L: Ha. The characters in Ice and Fire would completely destroy all the Wheel of Time characters. The Wheel of Time characters are way too soft. Robert Jordan never tinkered with beheadings and kids killing people with swords and twincest. It's like if Ice and Fire was the Spice Channel, Wheel of Time would be the Weather Channel.
W: Whatever, Conan could kick all their asses.
L: O'Brien, or The Barbarian?
W: Either one! But I mean the ORIGINAL Conan.
L: Oh, he could not.
W: That's what Conan does! He just shows up and kicks everybody's ass!
L: Yeah, he couldn't kick Gregor Clegane's ass. Gregor Clegane would completely destroy him.
W: No he wouldn't! I don't even know who he is and I know he wouldn't!
L: Then you don't know what you're talking about. Clegane would waste Conan.
W: You're so wrong. Conan is like Batman. He can automatically win any fight.
L: Yeah, well Gregor Clegane could take Batman, too. He'd literally smash Batman's dumb head between his fists.
W: No way. Batman beat Superman!
L: Pshht! Superman! The Mountain that Rides would kick his ass, too! Do not mess with The Mountain: The dude has got no mercy.
...and on it went. We can bicker about which of our favorite fictional characters could beat each other in a battle royale and still love each other. Can there be any doubt that we are perfect for each other?
Although I admit that my favorite character in the entirety of ASOIAF would be no match for Conan or just about anybody else. Littlefinger would die if Conan just looked at him. Even Tyrion kicks more ass than he does in a fight. Don't tell Will - if Conan ever breaks through the barrier and shows up in ASOIAFland, Littlefinger is done for and Will will never let me forget it.