Aug 30, 2007 15:54
Do you like to read books? Do you like to correct typos and grammar? Have you been waiting for your opportunity to tell me how talentless and lame I am? THIS IS YOUR CHANCE!!!
I have finished my outline for the mystery-novel I hinted at in a previous entry (that is, the novel itself is a mystery - it's not in the mystery genre). Now I need some "wise readers" who can give me honest feedback, ten pages at a time.
I am not looking for praise, affirmation of my awesomeness, or sunshine to come out of your ass and beam directly at me (although if my writing HONESTLY makes you feel like giving me those things, then that's good). I am looking for serious critiques and a serious discussion of problems with the manuscript, as well as general impressions: Is it boring? Tedious? Totally confusing? Is there a word or a concept that you just don't get? I need you to read it with fresh eyes and give me your immediate impressions.
I have an incredibly thick hide about my writing, so please don't spare me any helpful criticism because you think it will hurt my feelings. It totally will not. I've been entering my writing in contests and getting fairly severe critiques since I was about nine years old, so fire away.
If you'd like to participate, please reply with a comment and your email address. I will send you the first ten pages by the end of the weekend, just as soon as I've wrapped up all my photography obligations, found out the gender of my pending niece/nephew, and relaxed a little bit with The Will.
Oh, and please let me know in your comment whether you do or do not have any knowledge of Egyptology or ancient Egypt. I'm looking for readers who do OR do not dork out on Egypt, but it'll be good to know which of you, if any, has any knowledge in that area so that they can fact-check me and help me find more research sources.
Yes, that means that this is a historical novel set in ancient Egypt, in case you couldn't figure that out from the preceding paragraph. ;)
Thanks, everybody!