Ugh what a crap day outside, it looks like our neighborhizzle is in the middle of the Blue Ridge Mountains, its impossible to see past a few feet, and its been raining all the livelong day, but it is a mild 50 degrees outside, so thats not all bad. Yesterday was rather uneventful, minus getting things in order with my car title, bills, resume etc.....boring I realize. At 6pm I took a stroll to the corner wine-beer-cigar store to get some drinks and to talk about the redskins for a few, plus thats my excersize....I now walk to get my beer, very healthy accompanied by light beer you know. After I got back to the house me and Justin put some coals in the grill and waited a long time to grill, I guess I was previously spoiled by the gas grill, but the taste of the charcoal is delicious. We cooked some steaks, hot dogs, and rice for dinner, and it turned out excellant, and I dont eat too many somewhat normal meals, so this was a rare treat for me. For the rest of the night I mostly watched Monday Night Football, which was such an awesome game, but the Cowboys won, so that kinda blows. AND my two really big news bites from last night.....1- I finally hooked up my PS2 since moving to Arlington in June, so Im super excited to play some Tiger Woods Golf, Moto-X, and FIFA Soccer, but then I know I'll be sick of it by next week, and let it collect dust once again. 2- I set the minigolf record on my cell phone, it sounds stupid, but its something to do when Im outside or bored, and I cracked 30 finally.
This morning I woke up early to listen to the Junks and keep working on those not so fun things I need to work on, and get that stuff in order. Otherwise I watched some tv, including the sequel to Eddie and the Cruisers, which I still cannot explain why? maybe it was because the lead guitarist was named Rick Diesel? I dunno..............
Then after reading me some news, I stumbled onto something I would love as a stocking stuffer, it looks amazing - so look for yourselves -'t that the best thing ever invented since the McChicken on the dollar menu!!!! or that wonderful time of year when the McRib magically arrives for a few weeks, and then leaves us once again.
My thesis of the day is - If your a girl, then chances are you own poetry by Jewel.
I am also pleased to report that the homestead has remained clean for over a week, and its nice not to live in a dump - im noting how the mice go away when its cleaner.
Anyone hear Robert Downey Jr's CD? he performed on Leno, it was actually mellow and digestable. SPeaking of talk shows, Coling Ferguson, the guy who had the british accent on the Drew Carey Show, took over for Craig Kilborn. He beat out Damien Fahey from TRL, which this guy wasn't that bad, might as well try to get out of TRL. DL Hughly lost out too, and he is actually really funny, and he was my favorite to win, I liked how he got rid of the desk for the set. Lastly, Michael Ian Black, which Im sure was the womans odds on favorite to win the job, dont get me wrong he is hilarious, but he needs to get off of the VH1 commentary show circuit before he starts annoying know how that overexposed thing works right.
Tonight is Tuesday so I guess its sort of a boring TV night for me, but I am hoping that maybe ill do a happy hour or dinner at home either wednesday or thursday.
Lastly if anyone saw trading spouses, I could have done a novel about the Taoist Weird family from California.....quick reasons why they are all nuts. The mother, father, and two sons live in a house where they dont believe in furniture. They are spirtual and they homeschool about nature all playing with paperclips to learn natures magnet, then do some weird yoga and bell ringing thing too. They never wear shoes, they make money by the family playing folk music on the sidewalk, they pet trees, and they all speak chinese because the father says they are the culture and language of the future, so they all go barefoot to the chinese food place, and speak in chinese the whole time. Lastly they all sleep on the floor in the same room, where I might add, both kids were birthed......all I can say is WOW.
Congrats to the Beastie Boys for getting not one but two grammy nods......of course they are the best.
All Right Im out Like Guttenburg.
PS - Holy SHIT...Antonio eh how do you say? ah yes eh Banderas....has his own commercial for his new cologne....holy european shower batman, thats wretched.