Balki Bartakomas from Meepos

Dec 02, 2004 10:15


Yesterday was fun, but im paying the price for it big time. Justin and I grabbed a cab to go to the Front Page to meet up with Emily, Brian, and Jen....all cool people. The bar was packed, which was annoying, but the girls there def. stepped it up a notch in the looks dept. from what im used to.....excellant. Emily and I went to college together down in gross SW VA, and we ran into the girl we knew from school, please take no offense, but this girl has the best keister hott. Anyways, the bar was good, but way too packed to stay standing in a corner moving to the side so we didnt get hit with appetizers and band equipment. On a positive note they had good music playing at the bar, such as social distortion and some lynryd skynryd. We decided to head across the street to another bar to get some food and in my case, just keep on drinking, it was good times. Ive never seen so many olives on nachos, pretty gross if you ask me. So the bar was a good place to catch up on sports, and there were a few midly attractive women there, but def. not like the other bar, which by the way when I handed a beer to Emily and Brian my hand brushed this girls arm, and she looked at me like was retarded, she was probably mad I distracted her from trying to locate how many jocks at the bar had nailed her recently, respect the monocle bitches. Sidetracked again, so we drank some more at the bar and played touchscreen sports trivia....I have the top two scores!!! After Emily and Brian headed back home, I though it would a good idea to talk to some females since me and Justin were complaining about our luck, so Jen told me to talk to these girls, which one was def. a butch cook/bar tender, and the other was who knows, I had the balls to do it, but with Justin and Jen laughing so hard it was hard to gain composure. I find out these girls work at a fine local dining place, and I proceded to tell them their quesadillas blew, I dont think the other ten people at the bar who also worked at the same place were enjoying my rave reviews, but it had to be said.

We drove back home after a solid amount of beverage consumption, and I cooked food in the oven, which I always get burned doing so after the bar. Someone turned of my timer, and my food may have cooked way too short or way too long, damn it. I scarfed down the food quickly, and then I must've left that stupid voicemail to Catie about House Hunters that I dont remember, so you can imagine what a delight it was to check my call list and see that I also called my ex girlfriend even later, and left a message.....AHHHHHHHHH, im such a douche for always calling drunk. Woke up this morning to catch the last half of the Junkies, and now im catching up on the Dawsons Creek.

Today feels like a good day to do nothing with myself, I need to watch bad movies and wrestling tonight, which is usually a good drinking night, but ill be pounding Deer Parks all day. I keep missing good shows, maybe I need to invest in TIVO, but that would be too much to deal with, so I guess ill keep taping over other shows on the one VHS Blank Tape that I own. Big plans this weekend hopefully, friday is a bar night I am thinking and Saturday Ive got that family thing in Gaithersburg which should be nice, and Im planning in eating a lot since I did not get a second round on Thanksgiving. Ugh I am not sure I have too much else remotely interesting to type right now.

Samuel Skreech Powers the College Years.

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