IC Information

Jul 04, 2021 01:45

Badges (as of Aug 3rdth): None yet Pokemon (as of Aug 3rd):
Magnemite: "Newton" Level: 21 Gender: Genderless Type: Metal / Electric Ability: Sturdy [Prevents One-Hit KO's] Nature: Timid Attacks: Metal Sound ( lv 1), Tackle (lv 1), Thundershock (lv 6), Supersonic (lv 11), Sonicboom (lv 14), Thunderwave (lv 17), Spark (lv 21) Extra Notes: Sasha's first pokemon! Shy, yet steadily learning new things every day. The two get along great together, surprisingly.
Lapras: Level: 5 Gender: Female Type: Water/Ice Ability: Water Absorb Nature: Lonely Attacks: Sing (lv 1), Water Gun (lv 1), Growl (lv 1), Dragon Dance (lv 1) Extra Notes: Obtained egg from Ise Nanao. It hasn't hatched yet, but the mun is lazy and typed this up anyways for future reference.
Nidoking: "Oly" Level: 79 Ability: Poison Point Nature: Attacks: Extra Notes: The first of two pokemon obtained form Razputin after he left Johto.Completely hates Sasha's guts, but allows the psychic to give him commands from time to time. Thinks Sasha is weak because he doesn't battle with his strength, but instead uses his intellect to resolve pokemon battles.
Hypno: "Gus" Level: 84 Ability: Insomnia Nature: Attacks: Extra Notes: Obtained from Razputin after the Psychonaut left Johto, who inherited it from Donald Duck.
Gastly: Level: 14 Ability: Levitate Nature: Modest Attacks: Extra Notes: 'Caught' in Sprout Tower. Gastly adopted Sasha as his trainer after realizing the psychonaut doesn't scare very easily. Eventually Sasha did officially catch him afterwards, so the ghost pokemon is his partner...much to Sasha's dismay. Inventory (as of July 11th): Pack Contents: -- 1 PokéGear -- 5 Potions -- 1 Repel, 1 MaxRepel -- 1 Escape Rope -- 5 PokéBalls -- P [19,500]  Work History: 5 days in Cherrygrove assisting Nurse Joy -- 1 change of clothes
[Scientist lol :D] -- 3 changes of undergarments -- 1 12oz bottle of liquid soap (this can double as laundry detergent) -- 1 8oz bottle of shampoo; 1 8oz bottle of conditioner -- 1 washcloth, 2 towels (one small, one larger), 1 toothbrush, 1 travel-sized pack of toothpaste -- clothes line, 6 clothes pins, and rubber gloves -- Trainer Handbook (Includes the Rules, Trainer Tips, a paper copy of the map, as well as a list of "good" berries and food tips for your pokemon) -- 1 sleeping bag

inventory, pokemon

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