[first experiment] video/action in New Bark

Jul 03, 2011 12:28

[Unlike most people who have no idea how to work something technological, Sasha's pokegear turns on clear and fluid, showing the glasses-wearing man standing in New Bark Town. In the background, a rather timid Magnemite is floating around, nervous to be in range of the pokegear camera.]

This device is intriguing...modern, yet different than any cell-phones or communication devices from my world. And it's fairly obvious that I'm not where I should be, given the landscape, style of houses, and these 'pocket monsters'.

[He adjusts his glasses, making sure to keep the gear held straight. His Magnemite flinches open seeing the camera and floats to hide behind the German psychonaut.]

Ah, I apologize to any of you who happen to catch this broadcast, as I had no intention of bothering other people with my discoveries. My name is Sasha Nein and it seems as if I've been thrown into this place without any warning. To those of you who can hear this, I'd appreciate any sort of advice and information on how to either get started on this 'pokemon journey' or how I can get home. Thank you in advance...

[He's about to say more, but Sasha's adoptive 'mom' comes out of the house, calling to him in a sweet voice.]

Sasha, dear! You forgot your bento box, sweetie!

[He sighs, handing the gear over to Magnemite, who holds it in midair via electrical currents. One gloved hand goes to his face, as if frustrated by this imposter mother.]

Ack...I can't wait to leave this town. [And the gear shuts off quickly, so no viewer can see or hear Sasha's frustration any further.]

first post, the adventure begins

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