Wooby on the mend

Apr 16, 2008 14:03

Well, young Wooby is feeling much better today, eating and pooing normally (rather a lot of the latter according to the nurse) and generally up to mis-chief in the hop-ital. My good friend Mr Lewis, who gives my own teef a burrin' wegularly, is going to see her this afternoon cos she is so much better and might not need her teef checkin after all.

One of my Mums is very anxious and sez can you all cwoss your paws that Woobs duzzn't need a dental and can come home tonite.


Owa hopes have been dashed a bit. Mr Lewis - who is a bunny egg-spurt [and gives lek-chairs and everything] has kept Roobs for furver obbervation and he says he duzzin fink its her teef!
We don't fink there is anyfink too much to wowwy about but as he is the egg-spurt and he only came back from holidaze today - he would like to monitor her personally over the night. I fink that he finks she is too coote and duzzin want to give her back; Mummy agwees wiv me.

My wowwy is that when she douz eventwally come home; she's not gonna love us anymore - or she will smell so funny that I will want to bite her. The vets have kept our cawwy box I can't go and get her; any suggestions on re-bunding us would be mostest appweciated. I keep having to check the pooter for her pictcha as I have fur-gotten what she looks like.....
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