(no subject)

Mar 13, 2008 20:33

Hewo Everybun....

Yes we is bowf still here and we are coming out of 3 munfs undacuvva hoperashions to say a quick hewo to all owa fwends in Lagomorphia. We was devistated when Ollie passed away and so was owa mums and we fink that wus the last time we wus ere.

Chwistmas came and wended, then mummy got a pwomotion and hogged the pooter all the time, then we went on holidays and then the boiler man came - its all been soooo busy.

Rooby and me haffin forggoten about LIA and have been in twaining constantly. Roobs is now master of hiding in a box and I am still honin my doppelganger skills. Rooby has been teachin me how to act like a girl bunny so I can fulfil my obblygations to Jazz bunny and be her body double in times of stwife. I can now be just as stwoppy and demanding as any girl bunny! Last monf we went on overseas hopershions in a distant place called 'Suwwey' where we stayed in a speshul bunny lodge and carried out surveillance on ovver buns who are NOT LIA members. While we wus doin this important werk we sent our Mums to board somewhere called Prague in a 'hotel' where they just look after hoomans and nuffin else. We like to make sure they are looked after properlie when we aren't around.

Jazz - your new boy is so hansum - it makes Mummy bwoody but then we wemind her that two is quite enuff.

Anyway when we saw on the LIA awards this munf that we is inactive (mums would beg to differ) we knew we just had to bweak into mums work bag and gwab the pooter.

Here is two wecent pics of us to pwove we is actif.....or not...

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