Jun 26, 2004 01:00
:: YO! ::
we just got thru lookin @ some beautiful icons and i got one. YIPPY DO DA!
haha sorry :/
* Brocken Back Womans *
i am a broken back woman i aint no healed back person. i am a product of a broken back family. & i say owww and ahhh i keep my back brace of my back all year long. and i do all the thing that my doctor tells me to do so heres to all my sisters out there with a broken bakc lemme get a big oww from the in pain girls like me ooowwwwwwww yea du nu nu nu pooosh
ok g2g bye :)
* Me & Her *
*BAG & BaRf :P ((ewww)) *
:: Ü$ C00L K!D$ ::