Jul 08, 2004 03:10
Okay, so I still can't sleep. Gonna post again.
I've been reading for the last couple of hours (since I last posted). Got this great book: Poets Against the War. love it. love poetry. wish I didn't suck so incredibly badly at it.
I hate George W. Bush.
I hate George W. Bush.
I'm gonna say it one more time.
I hate George W. Bush.
The only thing that makes me even remotely encouraged is knowing that, after he is out of office for a few years, everyone will look back and say, "It's amazing the country managed to survive under such hypocritical, self-righteus, dangerous, misleading leadership."
But that doesn't solve the current problem in any way.
I am honestly afraid for the future of the country.
The standard of preemption that Bush and his cronies have established is the most arrogant, reckless, despicable policy that the country has undertaken in a long time.
Anyway, Poets Against the War.
The collection was put together as a result of the White House synopsium on poetry, called "Poetry and the American Voice." When some of the invited poets wrote poems to share in opposition to the war in Iraq, Laura Bush cancelled the event. However, the poets banned together and held readings of their own all over the country, and published this anthology of more than 250 poems.
One of the shortest, and one of my favorites:
Fill the air with poems
so thick --
even bombs
can't fall through
Here's part of another good one:
Can you tell me who is good and who is bad?
The ancient "we and they" divide us artificially.
Yet for the children of New York and Baghdad,
only one equation counts: their shared humanity.
Here's another great one:
The New Rapture
The sacred will be those
whose bodies
are vaporized,
whose lives rise toward heaven
in the bomb-clouds.
The damned will be those
who survive.
And here's a great quote from the intro:
"We suffocate among people who think they are absolutely right, whether in their machines or in their ideas. And for all those who can live only in an atmosphere of human dialogue, the silence is the end of the world." -Albert Camus
I really do love this book.