In Time Of Though

Aug 29, 2007 21:22

Some days i ask my self  What will become of me ?

Will i shrivel and die an old woman with Nothing done or accomplised in my life..

Will my dreams come true and that prince who came to rescue me

Still be around. Enough so that life will seem short and give me what i need to be my self

Live life in the "fast lane" Write a book called Memoars of  A Junkie

What ever i do in life im intitled to some credit right? As i sit and watch endless days of empty  ness and regrette on what could have been theres still some hope that comes from with in. It tells me that iw ill be alright and that eventually it will get better and that with giving theres some thing worth recieving one day. I call my hope by a name .

So what next? Life is there . As a woman i can give life and its the most unsolved and amazing thing out there. But what if its all dream and your just waiting to wake up and when u wake up were does it all go ? Its a constant battle to try and keep from going Insane but maybe your going sane and nto insane because the right way and every thing u knwo is all wrong and  thus the reverse being right?

To many things to sum Up To many things that need to be said and told and discussed but when and were is the right time if not now? how do u stand up to something that isnt real and that shouldnt control you? Eventually does it all go away? Living life under a constant  "DO THIS" "DO THAT" "BE NNORMAL"

Who gives a flying fuck!

If its your life shouldnt u be able to enjoy every bit of it? Unless u do something to avoid it or jsut plainly try can keep it there but live a double life . thts not healthy no.... Hmm how to make them understand will they ever ?

If they dont feel like i feel then how the fuck am i supposed to k nwo they are right?
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