Mar 06, 2005 17:29
any one noticed that i havent updated in a longass mother fucking time?
well yeah im updating now so its all gewd , who cares any way right. ok
so now that ive got ur a ttention i guess here my 411 scince last time,
me jesse ova fo sho because of stuff and i cant keep hurting him like i
do so here comes along this great guy aka mr booboo and we go out he
runs away breaks my heart and makes me fall from way up in the clouds
but my fall wasnt that hard because some one was there to catch my
fall, adam, he great but i mean im such a fucking slut!!! no effence to
any one but i mean i ve "gone out" with so many people and rumors and
shit but truely not really i mean ive gone out with lost of guys but
how far have they gotten with me???? not verry far, the only way that u
can tell whether i truely like some one is if i take it slow as in me
beinga fucking prude which isnt like me but yeah so thats my long story
made short !!! leave coments plz!! random i d care so ja till next
deadly love,