It has been determined that the Journey song that DC wanted to do all season was "Open Arms." I just. I actually can't really imagine him singing that, but godDAMN, I wish he had.
But the REAL reason for this post! I am involved with a new comm of awesomesauce!!!!
From the userinfo:
This community hosts creative fannish work in the David Cook fandom. If you're looking for fanfic, vids, fanart, and essays, you're in the right place. \o/
full community info ]
join the comm! ]
AND! I wrote fic to celebrate! I am so, SO rusty, kids, and this wasn't exactly what I thought I'd write for my first DC story, but Dean Winchester IS the little black dress of fandom, and my darling
annalazarus did a great beta even though DC's pretty much just a glorified OC to her (for NOW, mwah ha ha). I give you 3k words of pre-Idol SPN crossover sexxin':
Slinger ]
(David Cook/Dean Winchester, explicit)
And my co-mods at the comm are
astolat, who posted sexy, sexy Faith!fic, and
slodwick, who did the sexy, sexy layout and posted sexy, sexy wallpaper, and I'm not naming names but there should be some other amazing crossover fic-ness from other folks soon (?), and, and.
Please join! Please participate! Please feed this addiction! Please write adorable Idol gen fic!