Oh, eh. With the disclaimer that my opinions of episodes seem to depend heavily on my own frame of mind at the time: still, meh.
It's just ... okay, it's not a good sign when BT is saying exact lines of dialogue before the characters do. FIVE TIMES. I have never rolled my eyes so much at a line from this show as much as I did at Sam saying, "It's Sam." God. Speaking of lines, I have really liked this season so far -- although more in the early eps than the more recent ones -- but I really miss the fun bon mots of season 1. I guess Dean loses his ability to quip when he's emo.
Dean as a potser. Oh, whatever. Not that it's a surprise at this point, I just sort of ... I can't decide if that's just silly, or what.
As for the big reveal scene: oh, Dean. I ... until the multitude of "please"s, I liked his characterization in this. I thought he was direct, and willing to accept responsibility for his actions and Sam's reactions, and. I just liked it. On the other hand, god. You know I think JP is killing it this season, but can someone please teach the boy how to do believable emotional escalation? It's like he has three settings: "just calm down," bitchfaced petulance, and it-goes-up-to-11 roaring. I think he's good at all three, but where is the transition?
And JA was off this week too, jeez. Maybe the boys don't take orders from wimmin directors well. Either way, that Rachel person is welcome to not come back.
So, yeah. Overall, another case of the best part of the episode being the music and the previews for next week. Oh, and JA and JP's little leaps into the brush when Gordon is shooting at them, hee. Oh, alright, and the neck caress. :)
Alright. Now I'm going to go listen to Radiohead and sulk more. Thank fucking god for three-day weekends and three Wizards games and four football games. My ass and my sofa have a date.