Tonight I'll tie one on real good

Sep 15, 2006 11:09

Happy fall, my lovely people! Um, not that it's the first day of fall (YET), but it has been a Very Fall Week. And today is a Very Fall Day, because I am wearing my Fall knee-length orange cable-knit socks and my cowboy boots. And fall is my Very Favorite Season!

Not least because of pumpkin (and then gingerbread) lattes at Starbucks. I don't drink coffee much, but those ... those, I drink. AND! Despite the 'bucks literally across the street from my office, they are ADDING ONE IN MY BUILDING. Just in time. Craziness!

Golden Smog concert tonight, although of course I am an old cranky fart and am old and cranky about the fact they don't go on until 11:30. Tim O'Reagan is opening. I have never heard of Tim O'Reagan. Do we like Tim O'Reagan? (In other concert news, Wilco tix on sale today except that WE WON'T BE IN THE COUNTRY FOR THE SHOW. Mothereffer.)

I did not get a chance to watch Salvation last night, as it turns out. BT was being a selfish ass with the remote, but since I was being a selfish ass with the desktop, I guess all is fair. So I will link you to my previously-posted [ caps and commentary from "Salvation" ] and instead will post caps -- and a POLL! -- of fun fun-ness below.

Alright. First, the exhibits.

Dean's shoulders.

Dean's mouth.

Dean's freckles.

Dean's eyelashes.

Dean's back.

Sam's shoulders.

Sam's mouth.

Sam's dimples.

Sam's eyes.

Sam's nipples.

Now vote!

Poll Blatant objectification!

one goofy lookin' kid, when i want your opinion, sammich, oh dean

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