Day fifty-seven.
Y'all, there were over 300 prompts for the Back-to-School challenge. That is insanity. The [
post to claim prompts ] is now open, though, so sign up! YAY!
I should be doing actual work, or leaving feedback on one of the 60+ stories I'd saved in my memories to feedback since April, or, or. Picking out my remix story.
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Do you prefer to sleep with Sam or Dean? Which one of them is more fun to wrestle with? Who throws the stick better when you're playing fetch? Which one slips you more dinner scraps under the table?
These are very important questions. The world needs to know.
"Sleeping with Sam is like taking your life into your own hands. Or paws, as it may be. So Dean wins by default. He's also a big old cuddler, even if he'll pretend not to know anything about it in the morning and blame it on me.
"They're both fun to wrestle with and play fetch with, I couldn't choose. We don't use sticks, though -- not after this incident with some wood nymphs. Dean's better at throwing a ball, like he used to do it a lot, you know? Sam likes to throw a frisbee, and Dean laughs and makes jokes about what Sam learned in college.
"And you might not believe it, but Sam's the only one who lets me eat people-food! Like the pepperoni from his pizza. Pepperoni is my favorite. But he only does it when Dean's not around. Dean tried to make sure I'm eating "right" and "healthy" and "only get rewards for good behavior." Sam thinks Dean would make a good dad, but he only tells me that."
Sam thinks Dean would make a good dad, but he only tells me that.
And hello, you. I'm boggling at the flashback prompts. Too hot to think, how do I chose?
Dude, I owe you e-mail from WEEKS ago. Life has just been crazy. You around this month?
And it was IMPOSSIBLE to choooooose, heat or no! I got no good advices.
And crazy, yes. Also kind of irrationally cranky. That was fun. Anyway, mostly I'm around toward the end of the month, I think. Hrm, let me poke at my schedule a bit.
BUT. There are nine prompts that made me go "ooooh..." just on the first look! I think I've narrowed it down to three, now. Or maybe four. Gnargh.
Erm, yes. Please let me know how ye olde schedule looks. :)
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