Okay, about 60% of it is due to Captain Fine's beard...

May 13, 2013 09:59

Wow, so, long time, no see! But as I suspected, the new Star Trek movie has completely rejuvenated my fannishness (I've pretty much just been lurking in Sherlock for the past year). I saw it on Thursday morning and am already trying to figure out another morning this week I can do a re-watch.

Then I spent the most pleasurable weekend re-reading some of my old faves from 2009-10. I'm slowly adding my Trek fic to AO3, and tracking down all the other fic I had bookmarked on LJ on there as well. I seriously still have fic notes and snippets in draft form in my work email (!!!) that I may try to dust off. I'm super-bummed I never finished that bachelor auction fic, so if I can get my act together and get the rusty writing skills in gear, that'll be first up.

Anyway, I totally look forward to reconnecting with Star trek peeps, both new and old! If you're mostly on Tumblr (or Dreamwidth?) these days, let me know so I can follow you over there! (I am monkiedude both places but, for now, just use those platforms to follow people who don't do LJ anymore.)

captain fine, cupcake

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