So basically we rock iraq (it sort of rhymes out loud)

Feb 02, 2005 23:03

Nice artical, especially for CNN. I guess they changed their minds and don't hate America now!

Aljazeera is pissy about it, but I think even if the Iraqi people all signed a thank you card and hand delivered it to Bush they would remain unconvinced.

We should probably get the hell out of there and stop spending so much money once that piece is stabalized. That might take a bit of time, and we don't want to ditch them.

On a related subject, people need to stop saying that we are going to invade Iran now that we are done with Iraq. I'm going to start slapping folks.

Lastly: If we eliminated outerspace research and reduced social security by 70%, and decreased the amount people are allowed to deduct from their income taxed by about 40%...the economy would rock out hardcore.
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