Sep 08, 2008 00:24
Name 13 people in your life.
Don't read the questions underneath until you write the names of all 13 people!!!
This is a lot more fun if you actually randomly list the names first...No Cheating!!!
1. The Professor
2. Katie
3. Merlin
4. Pacer
5. Creed
6. Selena
7. Andy
8. Brent
9. Peanut
10. Sam
11. Liz
12. Sean
13. Brandon
How did you meet 10?
My baby man...I birthed him in August 2006. We didn't know his sex and my husband introduced Sam to me by saying "I am shocked to tell you's a BOY!" I was so excited.
Have you ever seen 4 cry?
Best friend for 15 years...So weird, but I don't know! I cannot really think of a time, although maybe when he had kidney stones?? He just isn't a crying type of person. Lord knows I've cried in front of him though.
Would 11 and 2 make a good couple?
My good friend/sister in law/children's real aunt Katie and my great friend and children's unofficial Aunt Liz...No, they would not. I am quite sure they are both straight, not to mention #2 is married to my brother in law.
Are you good friends with 13?
He's my brother in law, and we are just kind of friends, not because we dislike each other or anything, we just live far away and he's really quiet.
Do you think 5 is attractive?
Ahh, Creed. One of my many ex-boyfriends/still friends. Took me to prom in 11th grade and we remain (complicated) friends to this day. Yes, I think he's still quite attractive. I love the shaved head look, his hairy chest, giggle, and he has a couple hot tattoos as well!
Something about number 1?
My husband, The Professor...has had the aforementioned shaved-head look for years, but, because we lost the clippers in the move it was getting long and on him...I have discovered I love to play with the soft little curls he's growing at the nape of his neck! So, no more shaved head, please!
How did you meet 8?
He was such an all-American boy. First love...Back in 8th grade, I think he was the boyfriend of one of my sort-of-friends - but not for long!
What's 7's favorite color?
The English Ex from my freshman year of college...I'm gonna go with navy. He wore it a lot, although I think I recall him saying black too. It's been a while...I may have to ask now.
What would you do if 6 just confessed that they liked you?
Fall over with a heart attack!! Selena's the wife of my best friend - Number 4 - and she would prefer I didn't exist, so it's a pretty funny coincidence she randomly got this question, lol!
Fact about 9?
My baby girl, I love sleeping curled up around her preciousness, her soft hair tickling my nose... She's my perfect little teddy bear.
What does 1 do for a living?
Back to my husband, who is currently a biology instructor at a university.
Would you ever live with 12?
Unofficial Uncle Sean, another ex-boyfriend and one of my top 4 friends to this day. Sure I'd live with him! I practically did for a year back in 2000/2001. He's a doll, a terrific cook and always has a kick ass entertainment system. He also had a great water bed way back when, woohoo!
Is 2 single?
Definitely not. She's my sister in law, married to the Professor's brother and they just had their first baby three months ago.
Where does 7 live?
Andy the Brit, currently back in England, although he spent some time in New Zealand where he met his new wife.
What do you think about 2?
Aunt Katie is also on my Top 4 best friends list. She is determined, a good mommy and has a great sense of humor. Also, far better fashion sense than me.
Whats the worst and best thing about 5?
Creed would not like these answers...Best is that he is intensely loyal to his family, a brilliant guitar player and he remembers me back before I was a mommy. Worst is that he is incredibly self-involved, doesn't realize he cannot sing as well as he plays guitar and that he doesn't really care to get to know me as I am now, just live in the past. And, I am not the same girl I was 13 years ago!
Who is 11 going out with?
There's a guy Aunt Liz is seeing from South Georgia...she's not sure what they are yet, but she's having fun in the meantime :)
What do you like about number 3?
Merlin was a love interest from high school, one that "got away" if you will, who was out of my life for a decade but is now a friend again. I really appreciate his creativity, curiosity, introspective nature and drive to be a truly decent human being. He really wants to make a difference in the world and his very presence encourages me to do the same.