
May 22, 2008 12:06

I know I haven't posted in forever - I am sorry - and so busy that it's all I can do to find time to hop on here and read the

therealljidol entries!

I am seven days from the opening of my play - crunch time for anyone who has been in theater - and I have the lead. We've moved into the theater, we are off book now and my director keeps telling me I need to project more...but without yelling.  am freaking out.

The Vacation Reading Club for the library started Tuesday, a soft open, the big kickoff will be next Thursday. With the teens, I get nowhere near the level of participation as the children's club, but there are still some errands to run, some prizes to stuff, need to contact newspapers to get some media coverage of events. And then, managing the club sign ups for all three clubs here at the Lake...It makes life in the summer hectic.

Age of Conan, the MMO we have been waiting two years for, went into early release last Saturday. The game is amazing, my guildies are so cool...but with everything else going on I have managed to spend like FOUR hours playing since Saturday. I am currently a lvl 13, while the rest of the guild are lvl 30...40 and higher.

Regular business aside, weeks like this make the good little Catholic girl in me wonder if I am living my life in some way that has angered God - the Old Testament "vengeful" variety, not the benevolent King James version.

Monday got the week off to a fairly quiet start. I got Peanut ready for school at 7:30, went to work at noon, had a short play rehearsal at 6:30 before running to work downtown where I stayed till 10:30 so I could get the decorations for the VRC finished before the opening in the morning.

Tuesday, I ran 1,350 copies of the vacation reading club pamphlet to our local middle school around 11 so they could go out with the students for early release. Then I went to work which was pretty calm, until a massive storm came through around 5 - with lightening and thunder and high winds, and rain coming in under the doors and golf ball sized hail...I called my house where my husband informed me he and the children were hiding in the hallway because trees were falling and the power had gone out. Sure enough we lost three massive trees, big enough that almost all of the half cleared acre behind the house is a tree disaster. One fell on our shop and crushed it and one fell on Peanut's "baby willow" that she loves. We had to leave town just to get dinner, the power outtage and damage locally was so severe, and our power didn't come back till after 10.

Wednesday, Peanut was supposed to have her end of the class party. But she was up all night after the storm crying and feverish. Instead of playing we spent the morning at the pediatricians where we discovered she has a double ear infection. I took her with me to the library's quarterly planning meeting where the poor baby slept on my lap the whole time. Then I headed out to the lake library till 6, then rehearsal till 9. When I got home both kids were still up and Baby Man was breathing laboriously, with an elevated heartrate. We've figured out he's allergic to corn and chocolate and thought maybe citrus, but yesterday confirmed it. He ate two oranges and it completely messed him up.

His condition worsened. I wanted to wait till morning to spare us the cost of an ER visit, but when he could barely breathe and I started fearing for his life, I packed him in the car at 2 a.m. and drove to the emergency room in Macon. Yes, we have a local hospital but I hardly trust them to put a bandaid on my big toe. I've said forever that if your head gets cut off, put it on the seat beside you and try to get to Macon because you probably have a greater chance of survival than going to the Oconee Regional.

Baby Man was having a serious allergic reaction. They gave him Benadryl, and an oral steroid, and a breathing treatment and a Tylenol suppository, which I had never heard of, but the nurse informed me "I wish all medicine came in suppositories. They can't spit that out!" 
We spent four hours at the hospital and got home about 7 a.m.  My husband was kind enough to call in to work two hours late for me so I could get a little sleep, although he did inform me that "I was going to cost him his job." Thanks a hell of a lot for that, honey.

So, I am at work now. My house is trashed, my yard is trashed, I have two sick children and I feel like crap. My husband is annoyed with me, the director of my show is disappointed and even though I need a nap I must keep going and going like the Energizer Bunny til 9 tonight. I know, whine whine, moan moan. There is enough of the Catholic kid in me to remind that whiner that I should just feel blessed the trees didn't fall on my house, as it did on my neighbors,  that we had money and insurance to take my daughter to the doctor and that my son's probem was easily treatable and he got to come home last night - unlike the little boy they wheeled by on a stretcher who was comatose, and on a respirator. It was so sad.

But really... this week?? I'm telling you, life is feeling like I'm running a triathlon until June 1st.

macon, peanut, family, fear, acting, theater, baby man, libraries, ya's, children, preschool, vacation reading club, the kiddos, milledgeville, the naturalist

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