
Feb 21, 2008 03:23

I fall asleep in Peanut's bed about once a week. Usually Wednesday nights. I think it's because I work until nine on Monday and Tuesday and I'm just wiped out by bedtime on Wednesday.

Sure enough, after storytime and snuggles, I conked out. The pink glow of her night lights and the sweet snuggly warmth of her, it's just all too relaxing. I vaguely remember The Naturalist poking me a little later and asking if I was getting up again, to which I barely responded, and now I feel a little bad because I had sort of been encouraging some "adult" time prior to going comotose, so I am sure he was a little disappointed.

Anyway, I woke up a little while ago and was wide awake and thirsty so I went to the kitchen thinking it had to be around 5 in the morning...and the clock said 1:06 a.m. WHAT?? I feel totally rested. This is no good! I counted how much sleep I have been getting of late though, sometimes 5 1/2 and sometimes 6 1/2 hours of shut eye at best and realized my body thinks it's time for me to be hitting the streets, darkness be damned.

I just wanted to drift off again, but then there's the "too much sleep" quandry. If I do fall asleep now, and get up around 7 as usual, I will have had 11 hours of sleep and I'll still feel wrecked. I  laid in bed the past hour trying to coerce my brain back to sleep but all I can do is mull over everything that needs to be done in the next few days, weeks...months.

My List:, 
(Not terribly entertaining as a read, but this is why I finally got up. Because if I don't write these things down they'll keep me up in the bed for hours anyway!)
*My parents are coming this weekend to celebrate my birthday so the house needs some major cleaning. Don't forget to wash the linens on the guest bed!
*Fold laundry.
*Mail the book I sold on half.com
*Get FLA books for Lake library patron
*Create a list of dates I have library events for the next four months to my husband so he can plan his Nature Center schedule. Don't forget Share-A-Rama in March, the school librarian's meeting in May, Reading Club Kickoff in May, Quarterly Planning meeting in May, the MVML Drive-In Movie in July, also Gold/GALILEO conference in August
*Email List to The Naturalist
*Nature Center Storytime on Saturday, this month's theme is owls, so I need to pick a game and craft for that and get the materials together. 
*Order new Sea Monkeys for Peanut
*Email the director, barryreese, about the computer desks at the LS Library - we discussed replacing them and thought they were screwed to the wall but I discovered that they are stand alone, which will make it much less of a chore to remove at some point!
*Order a YA book - Scott Westerfield's 'Extras," for an essay contest winner
*Pick two skunk books for May Nature Center storytime
*Update YA budget for books, DVD's and activities to reflect Jan/Feb purchases (start keeping up with all VRC purchases)
*Order Lake Library children's books for February
*Write March Union Recorder Article for the library - mention the mystery writer booktalk - needs to go in next week's paper
*Write and record commercials for March library radio - needs to begin by Feb. 26th
*Order YA books for LS and MVML, focusing on graphic novels this month and also making sure we have everything on the suggested reading list for the YA Vacation Reading Club
*Remind Dave I need his Wii for high tech gaming day in March
*Make signage for Read Across America day and contact schools 
*Talk to Blackbird about donating coffee for the Poetry Slam in April

*It's that time again! Vacation Reading Club planning, our largest reading iniative of the year. There are a million things I need to do for this, beginning with creating a list of local businesses to contact as possible prize donors 
*Then...start calling them!
*Contact the cooking instructor at GCSU about a YA culinary arts intro class
*Update reading club pamphlet. Pull the reading record and suggested book list out and put on a separate page. Use 6/12 books instead of 4/8, graphic novels count this year but three equal one regular novel, YA's post reviews to the online book club, include all new prizes, events and dates (get this info to the  dread_librarian by mid-March
*Make sign up sheets for all YA Reading club events and give to snazzybookmom  so she can take event reservations in the summer(So A, has anyone told you you'll be doing YA sign ups this summer, giggle? It won't be too bad and I will sit down and tell you all about it so you have nothing to worry about (and you are cool so the teens will luv you!) 
*Choose which edible bug products I want to get for the Edible Entymology event...Mmmm, crunchy!
*Update YA VRC registration forms to include email address and MySpace page, to enter in database to contact teens for events
*Update YA MySpace page to include summer reading events
*Find VRC PSA's online and convince radio station to run them for free, beginning in mid-April
*Find colored duct tape for duct tape craft
*Plan YA scavenger hunt
(*Eeek! Plan Peanut's birthday scavenger hunt in March)

O.K. That's everything that comes to mind for now. Now to get to doin' so I can cross things off and feel better.

I should probably include hug my babies, smooch my husband and sleep, so I don't forget to do those really important things also, while I am running around like a mad woman.

OH HELL!!..and I'm supposed to write a Zombie Harlequin romance for therealljidol this week?? Oh boy. I may be taking my first bye!

peanut, lj idol, motherhood, libraries, neurotic, ya's, library, vacation reading club, the kiddos, milledgeville, the naturalist

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