
Jul 10, 2004 16:30

Stolen from mutantaishagirl
Floofeh... Surveh...
Time Began: 405PM
Name: Blake
Age: 12
Birthdate: 23.3.92
Home town: Sydney
Current Town: Sydney
Gender: Male

Hair color: Not Black yet not brown
Hair length: a tad long for a guy *needs a hair cut*
Eye Color: brown
Ear lobes- Connected or not? ummm
What are you currently wearing? my clothes! Oh joo mean what is there! My billabong t-shirt i got from me birthday(i wear this alot XD) and my old faded pumkin patch pants!
Braces/None: not a brace, called plate, i only wear it at night. buit is incredably big!
Glasses/Contacts/None: none, but my sister is blind :D
Shoe Size: umm i dunno
Height: *goes to cheek*

Pizza? Ham And Pineapple!
Band? Currently Maroon 5
Singer? ummm err depends! when i'm relaxed and bored it's delta goodrem but at other times....
Song?Maroon 5 - She Will Be Loved
Animal? toughy.... it used to eb a turdle when i was like 5, but now i dunno
Petpet?ummm errr *too many of them, and dont know their names*
Petpetpet? don't joo mean petpetpetpet?
Mystical Creature?umm err
Video Game (Not PC):right now it's still sonic adventure 2 battle
PC Game: dont have any

Chocolate/Vanilla: CHOCOLATE!
Rock/Country rock
Rap/Ragae: ummm rap
HTML/CSS: css! HTML is basic but slow, CSS is simple and faster.
Pepsi/Coke: Coke, but i dont mind pepsi
Pokemon/Digimon: ohhhh toughy! Well because digimon canceled it's pokemon
Otters/StarryDraik/RiceNoodles/Oldtimer (o.o): Aww dont make me choose thier all REALLY REALLY great mods!
Donna/Adam: i dont know...
Dog/Cat: depends

Best Memory: ummm err!
Worst Memory: see above!
Most Fearful Memory: See above XD
Most odd Memory: See above ^^;
Do you have a phobia to anything? umm yes but i wont say! *looks in mirror* AHHHK!
If yes, what: .....
Do you play The Sims? i want to but my mum says not until i'm 13! Stupid!(only a about 8 months to go!)

How many Neopets do you own? umm 6, i kind of regret making mycutestalien,
How many petpets?about 5, i hardly go on my second account
What is your favorite Neopet? aww no choosie!(toadstool *hears lots of yells from other neopets XD* good thing i picked my strongest pet)
Do you own a lab ray? yesh but its ebil and likes sending me to level 1
How many trophies do you have, and if so, what are they for? umm like 3, very bad ones
How often do you get on Neopets? as much as possible!
How many Neofriends do you have?a few
Currently, how many Neomail do you have in your inbox? umm like 5!
How long have you been on Neopets? almost 3 years(or is that 2 O.O;)

How many PM's do you have in your inbox? 100! i remember really well
How many friends do you currently have on? about 6! most of them added by accident
What do you think about the...
Information Board? its OKAY
Introductions and Farewells *sniff* Board? nice and welcomey, only if we ever get another member that accually stays, that'll be the day!
General Chat Board? okay
Game Board? fun!
BD Board? helpful!
Plugs Board? Where i post my shop updates!
Guild (Neoitems) Board? okay
Guild (Other) Board?BORING!
HTML/CSS Board? I admit, this is the fourm i go to first!
RPG Board?fun only i hardly RP!
Poles Board? i vist that once a 3 months XD
Comments Board? alright

Did you like this surveh? it was alright, at least it wasn't crazy!
Will you bow down to my kitteh? Sorry, i bow down to the REAL MASTER! *coughseasterbunniehcough*
Time Ended: 422! O____O thats how long i took!O_o

I'm very bored without dolphie to RP with... but, this is a perfect time to play my games, when we RP i never get time to play games!
this holidays: 25k almost past my 30k goal this holiday!
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