Sep 27, 2005 22:41
So yeah I haven't updated in like forever, so I guess I can spare some time and let you all in on what I have been doing. Well I have been in school now for like about 3 weeks and I am actually enjoying it so far. I am as always meeting new people and seeing all of my old friends. I have a bio test on thrusday that I need to study for and I also have a bio lab test on friday and I have to study for. I'm liking all of my professors so far and i'm just enjoying myself. I'm still working at the disney store and at alpine and its going as well as it can be at either job. It can be tiring at times, but i'm still doing it. God only knows i thought this journal entry would be longer than what it is. I guess I really don't have anything interesting to say at this point in time.